Chapter 7: John vs Lenny

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Warning- major character death & Violence

Jacob was discharged from Hope County Clinic and was taken back to John's Ranch until he fully recovered. Hannah took care of him every day while John was out hunting for Lenny. John and Hannah were able to convince the remaining for her friends to hide away in John's bunker until Lenny was bought down. They achieved what they wanted, Lenny was furious when he found cabins and stores all empty, he knew that John and Hannah had something to do with it. Without wasting anymore time, Lenny made his way to Holland Valley and declared a one on one face off with John Seed.

John was yet to tell Hannah about the one on one battle with her brother, knowing that she'd be against it but it was something he had to do or else there was no other way to kill Lenny. It was another reason why John made Jacob stay at his ranch, so that he could keep Hannah occupied while he went out to face Lenny.

"You sure about this little brother?" Jacob asked John. "I have no other choice Jacob, this man will not stop until he hurts Hannah or Joseph, two people we love dearly" John replied back looking directly at Jacob, "if I don't come back, if I die, promise me you'll take good care of my wife?". "Shut up John, you are not going to die" Jacob snapped at his brother. "Jacob please, just promise me" John pleaded, "please". Jacob sighed, "I promise but you're not going to die".

"What are you two talking about?" Hannah asked as she walked in with a tray of food for Jacob. "Oh not much dear. I've got to get going, please keep an eye on this big mountain man and I'll hopefully be back soon" John said, standing up and looking deeply at his big brother before turning around and kissing Hannah on the cheek. "Bye honey" Hannah yelled out to him and he waved at her.


John drove to the battlefield that he and Lenny organised, the whole drive up made John think about Hannah and his brothers but standing out in the open and waiting for his enemy made him realise how much he was regretting all of this.

"Well I'm surprised, I thought all you Seed boys were a bunch of weak pussies, afraid to fight someone like me" Lenny emerged from the trees and stood a few inches away from John, "but you're not like your brothers John, you actually came to end all this". "I actually have people to fight for Lenny, all you have is yourself. Pretty lame" John stood up straight and walked a little closer to Lenny, "your adoptive sister seems to be more important and closer to you. To think, Hannah carries the same blood as you and you don't even have the slightest care or love for her. Pathetic brother you are".

Lenny punched John in the face after he said that, making John fall on the ground. John chuckled as he wiped the blood off his lip, "my, someone doesn't like to hear the truth". "Cut the shit Seed, get up and fight like a man" Lenny yelled, he was agitated by John's comments earlier and was starving for a fight. John didn't make him wait any longer and pounced in Lenny, the two exchanged punches, kicks and even some harsh swear words at each other.

They scrambled around for good twenty minutes before Lenny gave up and pulled his gun out, pointing it directly at John's heart. "This is the end John Seed. First I'll kill you, then I'll kill Faith, then Jacob and lastly, Joseph. Hannah can live with the pain of losing her family for the rest of her life and I couldn't give a fuck" Lenny looked intensely at John. "And once you've achieved all of this, do you think it's going to bring your adoptive sister back?" John said, making Lenny's face expression change, "I'm just saying, all of this would be just a waste of time"

John's words were enough for Lenny to pull the trigger, shooting him in the shoulder and making him fall on the ground with a loud scream. Lenny walked up to John and held the gun at his head, "at least I'll know that Joseph Seed and his family no longer walk on earth". He was about the pull the trigger when another gun was heard being fired, the bullet hitting Lenny straight in the back.

John slightly sat up and saw Faith emerge from behind a tree. "Faith? What the hell are you doing here?" John asked as he looked over at Lenny. "This sinner nearly took my life and now he is trying to hurt my family. I will not allow it John" Faith said and raised her gun up at Lenny again but before she could pull the trigger, Lenny reacted first and shot Faith straight in the chest. John punched him in the face, before standing up and rushing over to Faith.

"Faith, open your eyes" he said, tears building up in his eyes, "come on, open your eyes Faith". She started to slowly open her eyes, fear and pain was written inside them and John knew that this wasn't going to end up being good. "I hope I did the father justice" she whispered, "I hope I didn't let him down in any way". "Shhh, nows not the time to talk about these stuff. I'll get you to the hospital" John started to scramble around, only to be stopped by Faith. "It's ok brother John, this was meant to be my fate. Take care of Hannah and I hope that you both can end this war, so that you both can start a family" Faith's said as her eyes shut and her breathing stopped. John let out a loud scream, crying while hugging his little sisters lifeless body.

When he looked up, he noticed that Lenny had disappeared and it was clearer to him that the next time he saw Lenny, he'd put a bullet into his head and make sure he dies. There was no cares given anymore for John, he didn't care that Lenny was his wife's brother, all he wanted now was to kill the sinner just like how he had killed Faith.


Meanwhile Hannah, Jacob and Joseph all sat in the living room, chatting away until John walked into the living room. Hannah immediately noticed the blood on his arm and started panicking, "John? What the fuck? What happened?". John looked between his two brothers and chocked on some tears, "I've got some bad news".

Hannah walked him over to the empty couch and helped him sit down, "firstly what happened to you?" She asked him. "I met up with your brother to end all of this but things got out of hand and..." he froze, looking up at Jacob and Joseph again, "it's Faith. She died in my arms". Hannah put her hands on her mouth, trying her best to hold back tears but she was unsuccessful.

Jacob and Joseph both looked down at the ground, both heart broken about the news of their little sisters death. "How did she die John?" Jacob asked. "She came out of nowhere and shot Lenny in the back, just as she was about to end him, he pulled his gun out and shot her right in the heart" John explained.

Hannah stood up and started to storm to the front door before being stopped by John, "where are you going?" He asked her. "To end this myself, I've had enough of that bastard taking people that we love away" Hannah cried. "Let our men deal with this, they are already out on the hunt for him" John grabbed her arm, "lets hope his gun wound kills him before I do". Hannah looked at John's shoulder and then remembered that he had been shot too, she gently hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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