Chapter 12: The Confession

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A month almost went by since the murder of Hannah's brother, things in Hope County was back to normal and everyone went back to living with no fear. There was still no clue on who had murdered Lenny but no one really cared anymore, especially since he was the bad guy.

Jacob had finally returned back to his region and went straight back into training his men and judges. Joseph was able to live with no more fear but hadn't moved on from Faith's death, he occasionally visited her grave, placing bliss flowers on it, and telling her how proud he was with her. John and Hannah were finally alone again, living their lustful lives and just enjoying each other's company.

Hannah was still having nightmares but it wasn't something that occurred frequently. She no longer was waking up, screaming and crying, but instead she'd just open her eyes, take in some deep breaths and then was able to fall back to sleep.


It was a Wednesday night, Joseph was holding another one of his famous sermons. It was another way for him to check up on how everyone was after the awful events and he had finally declared that the hunt for Lenny's killer, was off. "It's time we move on my children" he said to everyone and in return, he received nods of agreement from everyone.

He talked about Faith once again, making sure that people didn't wipe her out of their memories and continued to pray for her. Henbane River was without a leader, without an idol for the young people to admire and love. "Henbane River will not have a leader but that doesn't mean people can go and break our rules, expecting not to be caught. Faith will be watching from up in heaven, she'll catch you if you do anything wrong" he warned his people.

Hannah was standing beside John, holding his hand throughout the whole sermon but guilt was starting to eat her from inside, it had been for sometime now. Joseph was about to end the sermon when she called out to him. John glanced at his wife, shocked but curious at the same time. She made her way to Joseph, whispering something into his ear. He gave her a nod of agreement and walked next to Jacob, letting Hannah say what she wanted.

"Hey everyone, I know this is strange and confusing to you all with me standing up here, but I've got something I need to get off my chest. It has something to do with my brothers murder" the whole church broke out into whispers, each person whispering to each other. Jacob, Joseph and John looked at each, just as shocked as the crowd was.

"My child, do share with us please" Joseph quieted the church and let Hannah continue. "I have to confess this to everyone because I feel I owe it to you all" Hannah took in a deep breath and looked up at everyone, "it was me. I murdered my own brother". Everyone broke out into shocks, people were talking louder amongst themselves, while the Seed brothers tried to take in what Hannah had just said.

"Dear, what did you just say?" John approached her, turning her around to him. The whole church went quiet again, listening to Hannah and John. "It was me John, I killed Lenny" Hannah repeated herself once again. "Why Hannah?" John asked raising his voice slightly at her. "Brother John, calm down" Joseph put his hand on his little brothers shoulder, before turning to Hannah, "why did you do it Hannah?".

Jacob joined the three of them, putting his arm around Hannah, "tell us Hannah, it's ok". Hannah looked back at her angry husband, "I did it for my family". "What does that exactly mean Hannah?" John asked. "My child, he was your brother and your family too" Joseph remained calm.

"He was dangerous and a murderer. He took away Faith and my two best friends for what reason? If he stayed alive, he would have killed the three of you as well" Hannah looked back at John, "if he killed you, do you know what would have happened to me?". John shook his head but knew that his wife would tell him anyways. "I'd have to raise our baby all alone" the words made John freeze in his spot. Jacob and Joseph looked at each other, "baby?" Jacob asked.

"Yes baby, Jacob" Hannah confirmed, still staring at her husband, "I'm pregnant. That's why I had to kill Lenny, before he left my child with no father and uncles". Her explanation was enough for Joseph and Jacob to understand that she had done the right thing in killing Lenny. Joseph looked at the crowd behind them, everyone was sitting there and trying to listen to the conversation, "brother Jacob, time we sent our people back home". Jacob and Joseph walked off the stage and started to get the crowd to leave the church.

Hannah and John stayed in their spots, John still trying to take in the words that his wife had just said. "Say something John please" Hannah begged with a soft voice. He looked down at her stomach, slowly raising his arm and gently placing his hand on her stomach, "I'm going to be a father?". Hannah nodded with a smile, "you're going to be a father John Seed". Just like that, John picked his wife up from her waist and hugged her tightly, the excitement had finally hit him.

Jacob joined the couple back up on the stage, he saw the smile on his brothers face and let out a sigh of relief. "Jacob did you hear, I'm going to be a father" John said excitingly. "Yes John, I was standing right here when Hannah announced it" Jacob chuckled, "how many weeks are you Hannah?". "I'm about 4 weeks as far as I remember" she answered and looked at how happy her husband was, "now do you understand why I did it John?". "Yes dear, I totally understand. I support your decision on doing so as well, I'm sorry I wasn't supportive to you earlier" John hugged her tightly, "I love you Hannah Seed". "I love you too John Seed" Hannah kisses him on the cheek before returning a tight hug.

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