Chapter 11: Nightmares

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It had been 2 weeks since the incident that occurred at the bunker and murder scene, Hannah had been having nightmares of the same ghost. She woke up almost every night screaming her lungs out, the dreams felt almost real and she just had enough of it. She never told John what her nightmares were about or what had happened in that room and it was frustrating him. He wanted to help his wife but she kept shutting him out, even Jacob tried but Hannah was keeping it to herself.

This night was just as every night, the ghost of her brother ended up in her dreams again, making her wake up screaming and scaring John. He pulled her in for a hug as she cried, "I can't do this anymore John. These nightmares aren't going to stop". "What is happening dear? Please stop shutting me out and tell me what is happening" he pleaded. Hannah took in a deep breath and looked at her husband, "that day in the room where Lenny died, I was looking around the ground for clues but I got distracted by a voice behind me. When I turned around, Lenny was standing right there, covered in blood and just staring at me". John raised an eyebrow at her, "honey, your brother is dead". "That's the thing John. When I looked at the bed, Lenny was still lying down but he was also standing in front of me. He started asking me why I didn't help him and why I let them kill him. By the time I knew it, the ghostly figure pounced on me and it felt like it was chocking me. That's when I started screaming and you boys came running in. Now every night, I'm seeing the same thing over and over again" Hannah continued to explain.

"Do you think maybe the dream is trying to tell you something?" John asked, making Hannah think about it. "Maybe it is. I'm not sure but I've had enough of these restless nights John" Hannah hugged him again. "I know you are dear" John laid back down with Hannah on his chest, "we will get to the bottom of this, I promise you".


The next morning Jacob was already awake and in the kitchen when John joined him for breakfast. "How's Hannah? I heard her scream again last night" Jacob asked his little brother. John explained everything that Hannah had told him last night, about the ghost of her brother and how he was harming her even in her dreams. Jacob couldn't believe what John was telling him, it sounded too fake and insane but he knew what having nightmares felt like and he truly understood what Hannah was going through.

An hour later, Hannah joined the boys at the table for breakfast, she greeted them both with a smile before shoving food into her mouth. "What's the rush?" John asked as he watched her. "I'm going back to the murder scene" Hannah said with her mouth full. "The hell you are" Jacob responded first.

Hannah swallowed her food and looked between the two brothers, "Yes I am and I don't care what you both say or do, I'm going". Jacob and John both sighed at the same time and then looked at each other. "Honey, I don't think going back there is going to help you get over the nightmares" John places his hands on hers. "Maybe not but I need to finish what I started off and I need answers" Hannah smiled, making him feel reassured that things will be ok.


Jacob had taken Hannah back to the murder scene, while John went back to doing his normal paperwork for Joseph. Hannah continued on where she left off at, searching the ground and looking for any clues. Jacob watched her the entire time, occasionally he would examine the room and the dead body that stayed lying down in the room.

"Well there isn't much clues here but all I know is that, whoever did it, walked out of here with bloody shoes" Hannah said, standing up and looking at Jacob. "So we have to look at everyone's shoes?" Jacob asked crossing his arms and leaning against the frame of the door. "No silly, that would take ages. Whoever the murderer is, would have gotten rid of the shoes and their clothes" Jacob nodded, agreeing with Hannah.

"So now what? Do we just continue on with our normal lives and wait for the murderer to confess, after they've gone through enough regret?" Jacob asked. "I guess. I'm not entirely sure myself" Hannah replied back, "can you just get his body out of the room and bury him". "Well maybe you'd want to put him to rest yourself. We can get someone to dig a grave for him wherever you want" Jacob approached her, looking at the lifeless body, "he's your brother at the end of the day. He may have done a lot of horrible things but you should still put his body to rest". Hannah took in a deep breath, thinking about a possible location to bury her brother, "well seeing that he loved his adoptive sister so much, maybe putting him next to her would be a good idea". "Hannah. Come on, what did I just say?" Jacob crossed his arms again, "I'll get someone to dig a grave for him at the Cemetery. Show a little respect for the dead, please".

Hannah was sitting in the bedroom of the bunker, sorting a few things when she heard the door knock. Nick Rye had walked in, greeting her with a smile, "Hey Deputy, how are you doing?". "Hey Nick, I'm good how about you?" Hannah responded with a smile. "Still kicking. Say, I was hoping you'd be free to talk for a little bit?" Nick asked, hoping she'd say yes. "Sure Nick, come in" Hannah gestured to him to walk into the room.

Nick joined Hannah on the bed, he looked a tad worried, "Deputy, I don't want to be disrespectful to you but now that your brother is dead, is it ok if Kim, our daughter and I return back home? We were told to stay here until Eden's Gate dealt with your brother". "Of course you can Nick. We just wanted to protect you all from the danger and now that's all over" Hannah reassured him, putting her hand on his shoulder, "I hope our hospitality was good for you and your family?". "Oh of course, it was great. No complaints" Nick answered back.

Just as Nick was about to leave, Jacob walked into the bedroom and greeted them both with his famous smirk. "Well I better get my family packed than, thank you for everything Hannah and pass my thanks to John as well" Nick stood up and left the room, leaving Hannah with Jacob.

"Everything ok?" He asked. "Yeah, they just want to go back to their home and asked for permission" Hannah explained to Jacob. "Well I spoke with Joseph, he's accepted to let your brother be buried in Hoper County Cemetery and also told me to forget about the whole investigation. He said whoever did it, will come out soon enough when regret has eaten them" Jacob said, leaning his elbows on his knees. "We've got nothing to work with Jacob, unfortunately the Father is right" Hannah looked at him, putting her head against his shoulder, "meanwhile, I've got to live with these nightmares forever possibly".

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