Chapter One: The Deputy

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One Year before:

A year and a half ago, John Seed was taken away when a young and beautiful Deputy came to Hope County. At the time her intentions were not good, she had come to arrest his brother, Joseph Seed, who was the leader of a religious cult. She caused much pain to him and his family, taking things that belonged to the cult, freeing the innocent people who the cult forced to join them. Her biggest challenge was not John or Faith or Joseph, it was big brother Jacob Seed.

He was a ex-Soldier, the trainer of the cult, and the most intimidating Seed Sibling. No one else managed to break her like Jacob did, he managed to brainwash her at the beginnings, managed to make her stronger then she really was and when he deemed her as a soldier, he released her to John. She was cleansed. She confessed to her sins with no trouble and she atoned, becoming an official member of Eden's Gate.

Though the brainwashing didn't last forever, each day her memory came back but by then it was too late. This time she had taken everything off the Resistance, killed most of their strong fighters and had helped John converted majority of the left over resistance. Once her memory completely came back and found out that it was Jacob who did that to her, she went to confront him. But coming face to face with Pratt, Eli and Wheaty, she gave in and accepted her fate.

Days turned into weeks and the Deputy was sort of enjoying the whole cult thing. She had made new friends, fought with great soldiers and became very close and protective over the Seed Family. She grew closer to Jacob, they had become very close and despite the many times they slept with each other, at the end of the day all they really wanted to be was just best friends. After the whole friends with benefits thing, between Jacob and the Deputy, they decided to stay away from each other and just keep as friends. This allowed the Deputy to become closer to John.

John was a lot different to Jacob, he was more gentle, more loving and caring, which seemed very odd. He was known as the most sadistic Seed sibling but ever since she had joined Eden's Gate, he had been a whole different man. Though he was still easy to sexually rile up. But the whole friends with benefits with John Seed was different, this felt right for her, it felt like it was the right thing. Everything felt right with John Seed, he left her craving for more of him, something she didn't experience with Jacob. John had felt the same about her, almost like she belonged to him. He couldn't stay away from her, neither could she, so John had invited her to move into his ranch and she happily accepted.

Two months into living with each other, the Deputy got to know John a lot more and by the end of the third month, both of them had fallen in love with each other and didn't waste any time in getting married. Joseph was proud of his baby brother for making that bold move, getting married was a huge step but John was ready for it and so was the girl he loved.

They lived more peacefully as a married couple, they no longer had Joseph breathing down their backs and were allowed to have sex just as much as possible, without having to think about sinning.


Now: Smut warning

"John, honey. Time to wake up" her voice was angelic and he loved waking up every morning to it. "Hmm" he gave her a sleepy grin and opened his eyes, "Good morning dear, aren't you a lovely sight to wake up too". "Oh John you say that every morning. Get up sleepy head, you promised me that we would have a day out" she said. John sat up, leaning his back against the headboard, "can't we just have a whole day in bed, naked? I'll make it fun I promise".

She rolled her eyes in disappointment and was about to jump out of bed, when John grabbed her arm and made her lie down against his body. "Don't be like that Hannah, darling. A promise is a promise, I'll take you out but you owe me a shower sex tonight when he get back home" John said as he put his cheek on the top of her head. "Deal" Hannah agreed and with excitement, she flew out of bed and got changed into some comfy clothes. "Come on lazy bum, get out of bed will ya" she hissed at him and with that, he climbed out of bed.

Hannah looked up and stared at his naked body, biting her lower lip as her eyes went down to his member. "You enjoying the view honey?" John asked with that stupid grin on his face. "Huh?" She asked as she jumped out of her thoughts and looked up at her husband, "oh, umm, yeah of course". Hannah walked up to John, grabbing his member and kissing his lips. He moaned against her lips as she worked her hand over his now hard member, "oh honey, you're already getting worked up. I thought you said that we will have shower sex?". She moved her hand away and turned to walk away from him but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards his body. "You're a naughty little girl aren't you? Finish off what you started or else I'm not taking you out" John growled.

Hannah took in a deep breath, turning around to face him and pushed John onto the bed, "ok fine". She sat down on her knees between his open wide legs and put her hand on his harden dick. She started pumping it up and down, staring deep into his gorgeous blue eyes and placing small kisses on the tip of his member. He tilted his head back as she replaced her hand with her mouth, licking from the bottom to the top.

"You're so beautiful darling" John whispered seductively. She looked up at him again and noticed that he was close to his climax, she smiled at how weak she made John Seed, she always loved seeing him like that. Hannah continued to work her mouth on John's dick, she could feel it twitch as he came closer and closer to the end. Spilling his Seed into her mouth and groaning loud, as he did so. Hannah pulled away from him, swallowing and wiping her mouth. "Ok done, now get changed and let's go" she said as she stood up excitingly and walked out of the room, leaving John a hot mess on the bed. "Fuck she's good" John said as he stood up and shook his head.


It took John a good fifteen minutes to come downstairs, he saw his wife impatiently waiting on the couch. When she looked up and saw him, he hands flew up in the air and she stood up, "Jesus John, did you want to take any longer? Then you get mad at me for taking ages to get ready". "Why are you so talkative today Hannah? Calm down, we are going out now" John rolled his eyes and led his wife out to the car.

"So where are we going?" Hannah asked as John started driving. He glanced over at her, "Falls End to spoil the hell out of you" he gave a sigh, "now keep that beautiful lips of yours shut and just enjoy the breeze darling". "Fine, asshole" Hannah whispered to herself, turning her head to the side and watched other cars pass by.

For Now and Forever (John Seed X Female Deputy)Where stories live. Discover now