Chapter 2 Lance Are You Okay

Start from the beginning

"so why were you up so early"

"oh it's nothing just couldn't sleep," he said with a stammer from lying I could tell that he wasn't fine but I thought about it and let go.

(time skip to lunch)

I was so hungry because we did a team training with the bots it was exciting but we still had one more training after lunch but whatever we get to eat now yeahhh. I am a little worried because Keith didn't eat breakfast but he claimed he ate it before people were up but part of me doesn't believe him I really hope he is okay. all of us went to our rooms to change out of our armor and the headed to lunch I, of course, got there last I'm always last I'm not surprised. when I got there I realized Keith wasn't eating anything I grabbed his hand under the table and whispered to him

"Hey Keith are you okay this is the second meal you haven't eaten what's going on"

"nothing lance just I'm not hungry that's all"

I know he was lying but I didn't want to push him but I was generally concerned I soon forgot about. I ate my lunch talking to hunk and pidge making a joke here and there then Allura stood up to make an announcement

"all of you paladins should come to your next team workout in your regular clothes okay" I felt kind of queasy when Alluar said that, what could we be doing that doesn't require our armor

"Alluar why don't we need our armor"

"you will see lance it is a surprise" I know surprises are supposed to be happy but I had a bad feeling about this one.

(time skip to the training room)

"Okay so everyone is going to put on one of these telecommunicators and we are going to look back into each paladins memories to form Voltron better, sharing something will take a lot of work " all I could think was shit if I mess up they will see all my flaws I started to panic and I could see that Keith was panicking too well we will see how this goes. allura said the order of who is going first all the way to last and luckily I was last so we went through everyone the last to go were Kieth then me.

Keith Pov

"Hey guys I was thinking maybe I don't go you know and we can just end here"

"Keith, there is nothing to be afraid of you can share anything with us there are no secrets in this castle" Allura said not think of what I had been through I but my telecommunicator back on and tried to focus on how me Shiro just meet but everything was going wrong all I could think was shit, some of the other paladins were yelling at me.

"Keith you have to concentrate" Shiro firmly stated

"Keith concentrate it HURTS MY HEAD!!" pidge yelled

"KIETH" they all yelled

we were all being pulled into one of my worst past dreams we could ever be in. it was when I was 6 and my dad was killed

"Dad look how cool I am I can fly this really cool drone," I said but then Booom crumble, its began to rain mistles from the sky

"dad what's happening"

"Keith the galar are here they are attacking take this knife and hide okay" I began to tear up

"dad.. wait DON'T LEAVE ME DAD" he walked out the door and that was the last time I had ever heard from him when the bombs blew over I cam out of the closet still crying

"" I sniffled and walked outside I searched for 3 days before I found him

"DAD" I called his name but he never responded


"OMG DAD ARE YOU OKAY" I finally found him but he was long gone and dead I sobbed for days I tried so hard to wake him up anything just to make him, okay but he wasn't and I finally buried him but after that I grew closer and closer to wanting to die that house was always quiet and I had to take care of myself. Being alone for years and watching your dad die is unimaginable

The dream cut out there before it went to me meeting Shiro I came out of it sobbing it was silent except for my quiet sobs until pidge broke the silence


"Keith I'm so sorry" then hunk came to talk

"Keith you can talk to us really"

they all were swarming me I was being overwhelmed I didn't know what to do but one thing I knew the only thing I can rely on I pulled my knife out making them jump back and this is all I could say


"Keith come on you need to talk to us" hunk came closer and I screamed

"LEAVE ME ALONE" and with that, I ran out of the room and went to my room crying not being able to handle what happened. In short, I ended up staying over 3 weeks in my room only letting Lance in every once in a while to give me food that I would play with not really eat.


hope you enjoyed and sorry for posting so late

peace out 😍💯✌

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