Chapter 1 The Important Mission

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hello everyone I hope you  enjoy the first chapter of this book enjoys😁😁😊😢


3rd person POV

Keith and Lance where on an important mission and at the moment there were well you could say occupied. All they could think about was each other and the love they had for each other. No one knew they had this love because none of them said anything they were too scared. This was a problem that leads to further complications.

"Hey, Keith you know what we're doing right? We get in place the bombs get out got it" Lance was flying blue and Keith was in red right next to him making their way to a galra ship.

"yeah I got it, LANCE, you DON'T need to remind me we get in and get out" Keith and Lance made their way to the galar ship unseen because of the new clocking ability pidge installed.

"I know I just don't want you to get hurt okay" Keith burst out laughing which made lance insecure a bit,

"Yeah right you don't care"

"heh yeah" lance was now silent because of the discouragement that he got from Keith

Lance POV

I really did care for Keith that all I can think about FUCKING KEITH why was I even thinking about him he means nothing to me. You know I will just push him out of my head just erase him from my imagination. While this was happening Keith was calling for lance for backup but lance was too busy imagining Keith instead of helping him.

"Hey Lance I got a lot of the soldiers on my tail come HELP me"


The only thing lance heard to get him out of his head was the unsoundly scream coming from Keith.

"Keith are you okay?"


KEITH ARE YOU OKAY? IM COMING" Soo many things were running through Lance's head at this point, was Keith, okay, was he hurt, is he going to die. The number one thought constantly running through his mind was that this was all his fault if he weren't daydreaming of Keith he would have never got hurt. Lance was sprinting down the hallways of the purple galar ship and made it to the room Keith was planting bombs in and There he was unconscious on the floor with blood coming from his stomach his legs from everywhere Lance began to cry.

"Keith...ple..hic...please don't ...go"Lance was holding Keith in his arms and sobbing uncontrollably

"h....hea....lth...p..po...d," Keith said with barely any air in him

"pod?" Lance was utterly confused but figured it out Keith meant the pods on the altean ship. Lance finished the bomb Keith couldn't do and then began to pick Keith up and get him to blue and red to fly back to the altean ship.

"it's okay baby you will be okay you not allowed to die on me yet, I promise you"

lance was running back to his lion while crying uncontrollably whispering little nothings to Keith.

"you're going to be okay kitten"

"just stay with me"

"please I don't know what I would do without you, I need you" Lance got back to his lion and put Keith down and began to control the lion setting it on a course back to the altean ship with the red lion closely following behind.

"Lance come in are you out of range from the bombs, "Shiro said over the speaker communicating from the castle

"y...yes," Lance said trying really hard to control his voice from letting any weakness show he failed and let a crack slip out of him

"Lance are you alright did something happen," Shiro said in a worried voice

"yeah I'm fine I'm just tired " Lance responded in a quiet voice so he wouldn't cry

"Just let me sleep when I get back okay"

"sure thing Lance you did well today"

Yeah sure was all I could think there has never been a time when I did great or well or whatever all I do is make jokes to hide up the pain I feel. I took off my helmet so the rest of the team wouldn't here my ugly crying because I sure did a lot of that I cried the whole way home just sobbed and sobbed and at sometimes I talked to blue she really did help make me feel better. when I got home I wiped the tears off my face and put my helmet on picking up Keith bridal style and bring him out of the blue lion.

"OMG KEITH" was all I could hear as I was coming out of my lion, here we go again everyone is going to notice him and not me when I did all the work. It hurt me to say that because I did care for him but I need someone for me and there always protecting Keith, loving Keith, Keith, KEITH I REALLY WISH SOMEONE WAS THERE FOR ME. I slowly slipped out of the crowd of my team as the tears started to flow down my face and went to my room all I could think was how bad I did and Keith is hurt because of me and so many other hurtful things.

"your Pathetic, It's all your fault, you let Keith get hurt, you shouldn't be alive go kill yourself" all these words were too much in my tiny pathetic head so I went to my bathroom and took out my razor. 1 cut,2 cut, and 3 cut minutes later it was more like 22 cut. I had blood all over the place I cleaned it up along with myself then laid in my bed with no emotions at all Hunk came by a little later to see if I wanted to eat I put on a happy face and said I was tired. That was it I cried myself to sleep and here we go again another horrible nightmare of the things I fear. Oh Keith if only you were awake to comfort me oh wait thats right your not because of me.


Writing this acctually made me cry anyway hope you enjoyed 


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