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So this is probably really weird because this is my first story and I don't usually write stories but you know here goes nothing. Again I'm sorry if this SUCKS it is my first story I just thought I would give it a try because I love what other people are doing with there stories. 

This is going to be a Klance story I'm going to try posting a chapter or two every week but you know with school I might not have time but I will definitely try. I will let you know if there will be any changes to how I post.

Request are open I will try to get to everyone's request sorry if I don't get to yours.just comment at the bottom what you are thinking

I am going to try to keep a storyline but I will take request anyway and make little stories here and there for that. actually, I will be posting a Request Book for taking your guys ideas that will happen sometime soon.

anyway enough with me talking I really hope you enjoy what I write

To the story


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