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Today is Friday, which means homecoming after school sessions.
My first class went by slow, which I didn't mind. In second period we took notes about the human respiratory system or whatever that was, and by the end of class, I received another student notification. "What did you get yourself into this time Adrian?" Asked my teacher as he handed me the slip.
I took it and looked away. And as quick as the class started, it ended and I packed my things. I have one friend in that class and since everyone saw me get the slip, she walked up to me. "Hey what'd you do?" Asked my best friend Francis. Francis is a short girl with choppy brunette hair and dyed blue tips. She always dresses in oversized clothes, black boots and silver rings. Her dark eyeshadow completed the look so everyone always teased her for being emo/goth even though she proclaimed she wasn't.
I brought her up to speed on the events that happened in the past two days as we walked downstairs to the lunchroom. "Wow.. that's tough." She said once I finished. "Yeah so now I've got to make my way to the office before anything else goes wrong"
At the end of the hall Francis turned to look at me, "Well, good luck." She hugged me then left.
As I made my way to the office, Nico was standing right outside the door, I think maybe waiting for me.
"He-" I started.
"Do you wanna get out of this place? We don't have to be here." He said while looking at the floor as if inspecting every little crack.
"I uh.. don't we have to talk with the principal..?" I asked.
Nico looked up at me, held his gaze for a while, then simpler than it should be, he left. He just walked away.
Make good choices, don't go after him don't do it, I told myself.
Nico didn't stop, he walked right out the exit.
And I went after him.

Him and I जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें