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After lunch, I had Culinary with Calypso, but since she'd left and we were temporarily partners since the year started, I was left to do the project alone.
Mrs. Lare, a really old lady, with frizzy pearl white hair and rimless glasses that framed her face. Her voice was always as hoarse as a.. well, a horse.
"Today we have a new student who has come out of state, so treat him well, or I'll drop your grade. Come on out kid." Mrs. Lare said.
The door was already open, and this guy came in. His features were sickly pale sustaining dark eyes, dark black hair as if he'd just rolled out of bed, and sunken eyes. He couldn't have been older than fifteen. His clothes sent out deadly vibes letting people know not to mess with him, skull shirt, black jacket, and pants being held up by a chain. His eyes glazed across the class, landing on me, holding my gaze for a second too long.
"-so you can sit next to Adrian for the moment." Mrs. Lare seemed to be saying.
And so this stranger sat next to me, and I felt weird. Weird all over the place, but didn't know what to make of him, so why not start small?
"Uh, hi. My name is Adrian.."
He just looked at me, with those dark eyes that seemed to be pulling out at my soul. And after a moment, he said, "Nico DiAngelo."
"Okay so I can get you up to speed on this class but we haven't really done anything, and since we're going to be partners for this lab, feel free to ask questions." I said.
Nico was easy to catch up, but we still had to get our ingredients.
"Hey, do you mind getting the ingredients while I finish this worksheet?" I asked, and he just got up for them without a word.
I had almost completed the paper when Nico came back, spilling everything onto the table, sitting down, and hiding his head in his arms on the table. I paused working for a bit, just to admire the way he sat there. His aura of unapproachableness only made me want to approach him more. I realized I was staring when another kid from class, your typical bully, Jeremy, called me out, "Stop staring, you're drooling, are you gay or something?" He yelled. And that's when Nico decide to look up and saw me looking away, and I stood up about to confront Jeremy, when Nico stood up with me.
"Apparently no one ever taught you wrong from right, because you obviously don't know what you're talking about." Nico said. I looked at him.
"I actually am gay and was just looking at you, I'm sorry." I whispered as I sat back down, also burying myself in my arms.
A moment passed. Then another. Then I heard a laugh. I glanced up and saw Nico smiling, "Yeah, me too." He said.
I was struck, Nico didn't appear to be the type who likes guys, then again, he didn't look like he  has yet found his comfort zone.
"It's okay, I kind of saw you out the door and asked the teacher if I could sit here." He said.
Well this class will certainly get entertaining.

Him and I Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora