Where are you Liv?

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Steven and I rushed into the school and guest our way into the office to see Chandler,  Chandlers Mother, two cops and Miss Mathews. They all looked worried and frustrated. I could see it in their eyes and kt worried me more knowing they were worried.

"I'm so sorry," Chandler said as he stood up.

"It's not your fault. I should have kept her home today. she should have come with me. He would never have stabbed you or got Liv. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be in the hospital for your injury?" I asked him with worry. I didn't want him getting worse because he's here instead of at a hospital.

"I'm fine, it wasn't deep and the school nurse stitched me up. I just want to find Liv." He said and I nodded.

"Me too," I whispered.

"Miss Cohan, I know this might be a hard time for you but have a little patience and I promise you we will get her back." The female cop said looking at me.

"Patience? You want me to have patience? My daughter is out there with a psychopathic father. How am I suppose to have patience? She might be dead for all I know!" I exploded. This was my breaking point, I had broken the barrier keeping me strong and was letting it all go.

"We have his licence plate and fortunately for us, his car has GPS. We can track the car." The officer said to me and I sighed.

"When will we have her back?" I asked. It wasn't out of eagerness, it was that I needed to make sure she was okay and I wouldn't have to go home to an empty house for the first time in years.

"We are working on the lead as we speak. We have to wait for the GPS to connect and we will follow them. You'll have her back soon." She said.

I started at the screen of the computer she was showing me and watched the buffering symbol circle itself.

Where are you Liv?

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