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Mikasa slashed my fingers and I began to fall

Mikasa, I'm sorry

I never wanted this, I never wanted to kill, I just wanted to be a normal person, wanted you with me.

Dammit, I've lost everything

My mission has completely failed, and I've hurt you

I wish I could have one more day with you, you're the best thing that's happened to me

I want to feel your weight on me, your lips against my neck, your eyes looking into mine, your hair in my fingers

I want you with me, to see you naked, to make you smile, to make you moan, to feel your breasts, to lick your clit.

Mikasa darted down Annie's arm, around to her neck, and slashed, to reveal Annie

Annie's hair was down, and tears were streaming from her eyes.

Mikasa leant in

"I love you, Annie Leonhart"
"I love you too, Mikasa Ackerman"

They shared a gentle kiss, lips pressed together.

Annie fell to the ground

"I'm sorry, my lover"


Mikasa x Annie: Annie's view Where stories live. Discover now