Before The Expedition

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Annie walked across the city, trying to focus on her surroundings, but her mind was elsewhere


Why did she kiss me?
Don't get me wrong it was good, amazing even, but why?
I didn't deserve it

Apparently the Scouts are going to reclaim Wall Maria, and my mission is to stop them.

But I can't hurt her, not Mikasa

Annie found herself walking near the area where the Scouts often met for meetings

Mikasa could be in there, and I do need to talk to her about that kiss

Annie decided to move on and make some final preparations for her mission. She quickly reviewed her manoeuvre gear, which she'd taken from Marco, and made sure that it worked correctly.
She also made sure that the spike in her ring was working, as a back up plan.

Once she'd done this, she walked back past the meeting room.

Mikasa might be coming out soon, I just need to figure out what to say to her

Lost in her thoughts, Annie wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into someone
"I'm sor-", a voice started, Annie moved back before realising who it was she'd bumped


Both girls blushed deeply, Annie hid her face and Mikasa adjusted her scarf.
"Sorry Annie"
Annie turned to face her, she had a loose strand of hair in front of her face

That strand is annoying me, but that's not important now

"It's okay Mikasa, I wasn't looking where I was going"
Mikasa reached out, tucking the loose strand of Annie's hair behind her right ear.


Annie blushed deeper, then suddenly took Mikasa's face in her hands.

I need to do this, sorry Mikasa

Annie darted forward, locking Mikasa's top lip between her own, softly squeezing it.

Sweet, she's amazing

Annie broke off
"Come back safe"
She ran.


Mikasa x Annie: Annie's view Where stories live. Discover now