First Kiss

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Annie walked by the river on the Eastern side of Trost, thinking about the battle that had taken place days ago

Marco died because of me
I should have died instead, my life means nothing, to anyone

Annie visited a small stall on a bridge, buying a sugar donut and continued on her walk

The vendor is kinda hot, but not my type. She's clearly had something done to alter herself

She found a bench facing the river, and quickly ate her donut. As soon as she finished eating, Annie received a visitor.
A little black cat had appeared, and was rubbing itself against Annie's legs
It's so adorable
Annie stroked the cat, tickling behind it's ears.


The cat scarpered

Oh fuck it's Mikasa! Act normal

"What is it Ackerman?" Annie asked without looking up.
Mikasa grabbed Annie, pulling her down an alley and pushing her against the wall. Mikasa's hands were pressing Annie's wrists against the stone, and Mikasa was using her legs to stop Annie from moving.

This is kinda hot

"Ackerman what the fuck are you doing?!" Annie shouted, angry but blushing.

She can definitely see me blushing, arrgh!

"Language. We need to talk"
"About what?"
"About you being a bitch to Eren"
"What do you mean? It's just sparring"
"I've seen the way you treat him, you don't need to be so cruel"
"I'm not trying to be cruel, so don't worry your cute little head about it Mikasa"
Both girls blushed deeper.
"You think I'm cute, do you Annie?" asked Mikasa
"Shut up, it's just an expression" replied Annie, her head turned away to hide her deep red face.

Fuck! Why did I say that!?!?

"Look at me Leonhart"
Annie turned.

Mikasa leant forward, pressing her lips hard against Annie's.

She's kissing me! Her lips, she tastes so good!

Mikasa pulled away from Annie.
"What the hell Mikasa?!" yelled Annie, pushing Mikasa back and sprinting away from her.

Arrgghh! Why did I stop!?! I'm a complete fucking idiot!

Mikasa x Annie: Annie's view Where stories live. Discover now