07. Party Motto

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"A makeover?" Harriet put down her freshly released copy of Ms. Nintendique, turning her entire body completely towards the visibly flustered pelican.

She realized that she was being unprofessional, and quickly shook her head. "I apologize, darling. Yes, of course! What occasion is it for?"

"You don't have to pretend that you're not surprised, Harriet," Pelly sighed, gingerly sitting down on one of the room's waiting chairs. "I would be shocked too. I mean, someone like me has no business being in a place like this ..."

"No, Pelly, darling, of course it's not like that," Harriet began to assure her. "I was just wondering what you could possibly need a makeover for. After all, you've always been known around the town for how clean and well put-together you look - you're hardly in the need of an urgent makeover. You already look very professional."

"That's actually ... well, how do I explain this ..." Pelly struggled to find the right words. "I'm not trying to look professional? I was invited to a party by a friend of mine and I didn't want to stick out and look out of place. I figured you would know what's trendy nowadays-"

"Oh! Really?" Harriet's eyes lit up with both excitement and surprise. "Well yes, certainly, darling! But first, I must ask - what is the scale of the party? Is it a business dinner? A small kick-back? Maybe a camping party-"

"It's Twiggy's upcoming party ... I know, I know," Pelly chuckled at Harriet's obviously shocked expression, "I don't know why I was invited either. Twiggy came by earlier to the Post Office and directly invited me. I really have no idea what this is about."

"Well, there must have been a reason for her to invite you," Harriet said, leading Pelly into the nearby styling chair. "...What with her party motto and all."

" 'Party motto?' "

"Well, yes, haven't you heard? ... Actually, I suppose you haven't, since you ... well, you know. Darling, Twiggy's such a party girl that she has her own partying motto ... ah, must feel good to be so young ... in today's age, she's free to do whatever she wants, too ..."

Noticing the awkward silence that quickly ensued between the two women, Harriet quickly cleared her throat and continued.

"Her party motto is 'Everyone who comes to Twiggy's party has a reason to be there.' "

"A rea-a reason?" Pelly stuttered as Harriet began to comb her hair, which was shamefully tangled from being caught in the wind. "Are you meaning to say that Twiggy invited me because she believes there's a specific reason I should come?"

"Well, if the 'party motto' is true, then I guess you already know the answer, don't you, darling?" Harriet cooed fondly. "Maybe you're destined to meet your soulmate at that party or something, I mean, who am I to know?"

"I doubt that's the case," Pelly chucked uneasily.

What soulmate do I have left to meet at this point ...

"Well, you never know, you never knowww," Harriet gushed. "Maybe you're going to find something good at that party. I once had a client get invited to one of Twiggy's parties and she found 500,000 Bells scattered on the floor of a bathroom. She was able to pay all of her debts off in a month after that!"

"On-on the floor of a bathroom? Surely that money couldnt have been earned ... legally ..."

"Maybe so, maybe so. But it helped the poor girl get out of a lot of financial trouble, none the less ... plus, who cares how that money was earned if it went to a good cause in the end, right?"

Pelly hummed in quiet agreement, feeling herself become less tense as she adjusted her position in the styling chair.

"You're quite young, darling, you know that, right?" Harriet muttered, adjusting the settings on her infamous hair styling machine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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