06. Velvet Dress

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"Pelly!" Mabel exclaimed cheerfully as Pelly awkwardly stumbled into the store.

Thankfully, her hopes and prayers had been answered, and it was completely empty, with the exception of the town's two well-known seamstress sisters.

"What brings you here today?" She asked as Pelly continued to just stand there, dumbfounded. She couldn't believe how long it had been since she had last been here.

"You ... you have a new sewing machine." Pelly stated blankly.

She could see Mabel trying to conceal her extreme curiosity at Pelly's absence from her job, which was, to put it lightly, extremely rare.

"Y-Yeah," Mabel nodded, stuttering slightly. "It's been a while since you've ... uhhh ..."

"Been here, I know," Pelly sighed. "I got the day off ... it's a long story. Uhh ... I'd like to find something, but it's very ... unusual ..."

At this point, Pelly's strange, off-putting attitude caught the attention of even Sable, who had previously been focused solely on her work.

"I'm sure we can find it for you!!" Mabel reassured her eagerly, desperately trying to lighten the mood of the situation. "Or if we don't have it, we'll make it! Right, sis?"

"Of course," Sable nodded. "Pelly, it's been so long since you've had the day off! You work so hard. You truly are the shining beacon of diligence that everyone in this town needs."

Pelly nodded, blushing. It was a point of view that she heard often: she was the face of innocence, the definition of purity, the town's representative of hard work.

If only those people could see her now ... she was sure that they would find her quite the disappointment.

"I need something, like a ..." Pelly made awkward gestures alongside her body. "Like a ... dress, maybe?"

"Of course!" Mabel smiled, seemingly relieved at how simple the request had been. "We have so many new cute dresses! Mint gingham is very 'in' right now, and we're testing out this new sundress design--"

"W-Well, actually, I'm ... looking for a different kind of dress, you know ..." Pelly interrupted reluctantly. "Like a ... fancier one."

"Oh wow, really?" Mabel questioned with wide eyes, noticeably surprised. "Well, you can place an order for a gown if that's what you want ..?"

"No, no, no, not that kind of fancy!" Pelly said, forcing laughter. "I mean, like--"

Taking a deep breath, she uttered the words that she couldn't believe she was saying. "A party dress. I need a party dress."

"Oh ... is it a gift for someone?" Mabel questioned, slightly taken aback.

"No ... actually, it's for me. I was invited to a party, so ..."

Mabel's jaw was wide open as she turned her head in shock to meet eye contact with her sister, no longer attempting to hide her shock.

"You were invited to a ... party??"

"Yeah, I know, surprising, right?" Pelly chuckled nervously. "And I've never been to one before, so ... I don't really know what's fashionable right now ..."

"I'm sorry Mabel's reacting like this, Pelly," Sable spoke up in her calm, even voice. "If I may ask, what kind of party is it?"

"To be honest, I don't really know," Pelly let out a sigh of relief at the slightly altered atmosphere. "The only thing I know is that Twiggy's hosting it? I've heard that it's going to be in the Museum."

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