Proving Him Wrong - 11.

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On Friday Antonia gave me the day off so I could pack for UCLA. I'm standing in my bedroom going through everything trying to decide what the best outfit for me to wear at a party, and when I arrive on campus.

I know I shouldn't be worrying about things like that, but I like to look my best when I meet new people. They don't have to know about my background and how I lived in a trailer all my life.

That's not the person I want my new classmates to see me as. I want them to see me as a fellow student that made my way here because of what I want to do not because of the opportunity I'll get to get away from living life like my parents did.

The door to my bedroom opens and I see Nick standing there. His shifting from one foot to the next. He does that when he has to say something, but he's afraid of how the other person will react.

This can't be good if he's nervous about something.

I close the lid of the suitcase and sit on my bed. Looking at Nick I say. "What's going on with you?"

He takes a step forward and kneels in front of me. Taking my hands into his he says. "A couple weeks ago I applied for a position at one of the best mechanic shops in the Country and it has a scholarship attached to it. This morning I got a phone call saying that it's all mine."

A smile spreads across my face. "That's great, Nick. Are you going to tell me where you're off to?"

"It's in Boston. They want me there on the 7th January. So, for the time being I'm all yours." He sits on the bed next to me. "What are our plans for Christmas and New Year's?"

"I'm going to see my parent's new place and spend time with the twins. I would invite you, but I think its best that you stay here with yours. You could always come to my parent's place for New Years?"

A smile spreads across his face. "That sounds great. It would be great to get away from here for a bit. Packing's going to be a pain in the butt while you're gone."

I laugh. "You'll have to get used to doing things on your own, Nick. At least when you're in Boston you don't have to worry about cooking for me. You'll be taking care of yourself."

Nick grabs my hand. "I like looking after you, Paige. You're also one of the best roommates a guy could ask for. I don't think I'll find a roommate that I like as much as you." He leans forward and claims my lips. Pulling away he says. "I love it when you wear cherry lip gloss."

Standing up I throw a few more things into the suitcase and zip it up. "I'm going to miss you this weekend, Nick."

Nick grabs my bag from the bed. "I'll take this to the car for you." He wheels the suitcase to the trailer door and then opens it. He carries it down the stairs and put it in the trunk.

Grabbing my purse off the table I head outside. I open the car door and put my purse on the passenger seat. "Don't get into any trouble this weekend, Nick."

He throws his head back and laughs. "You know that should be my line. You're the one going to University for the weekend. I hope the place is all you dream it to be. I'm crossing my fingers that you won't see your ex there. I don't want him to make things harder for you while you're there."

He won't.

The campus is big and I have a feeling that he won't be keeping an eye out on the people coming to campus for the weekend. He'll be busy getting ready for tonight's game.

 He'll be busy getting ready for tonight's game

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