Proving Him Wrong - 8.

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While I wait for Jenny and her friends to leave the café I walk down the street and head towards Donna's Bar 'n' grill. I see my second boss sitting on a crate with a cigarette in her hand. "Hey, Donna."

She looks at me before stuffing the cigarette back into her bag. "I wasn't smoking." She sighs. "I take it out to remind myself that I don't need it when things get hard for me." she looks down the road. "I thought you were working at the café this morning."

"I am, but there was this group of bitchy girls I went to high school with and one of them ordered a coffee extra hot. I made it the way she wanted and she drunk from the hot cup and then screamed because she burnt her tongue. It was her way of getting the new employee fired, but since she doesn't know how to make drinks I was told to leave by the boss, until the girls left."

Donna shakes her head. "I hate those types of people. Do you have a picture of the friends and her? I want to make sure that they don't come into my workplace and pull a stunt like that."

"Sure," pulling my phone out of my bag I open up an app that has access to year book. "Those are the girls you need to keep an eye out on."

She takes a picture of it. "I'll make sure everyone knows about them. I can tell you right now that those girls won't have a place to go over the weekend. Once, this is out they're all in trouble."

Good. We don't need people like them in our workplaces.

Looking at the watch on my wrist I say. "I better get back to work." I stand up and see Jenny and her friends walk out the café door laughing.

Donna looks in their direction and says. "Are they the girls that tried to get you fired?"

"Yeah," I move toward the side of the building. "I need to hide until they leave this area and then I can go back to work."

She looks at the place where I'm hiding and says. "They're coming this way, Paige."

I see them through a hole in the fence and one of the girls says. "I can't believe you got Paige fired from that. She's done nothing to us."

Jenny crosses her arms. "She may have not done anything personally to us, but she did hurt Damien by not talking to him before he left for UCLA."

What does that have to do with her? It's not her business if I'm hurting Damien by being cold towards him. He did all this to himself.

Donna stands up and looks in the girls directions. "I heard what you did to Paige. All three of you should be ashamed of yourselves. That girl hasn't done anything, but try to figure out what she wants to do as a career. She smarter than the lot of you because she doesn't want to waste four years without knowing what she wants to do. It's taken her couple of months to figure what she wants to do and I can tell you right now that she's going to be successful in that chosen line of work. While you three piss away the money your parents worked hard for. So, instead of trying to cause problems with great people here you should go home and take a long hard look at yourselves and see if this us who you really want to be." She opens the door to the bar 'n' grill.

Jenny's mouth opens and closes a couple of time. "Who the hell was that?"

Stepping out from behind the building I say. "That was Donna. She owns the bar 'n' grill and runs the under 21 nightclub. You've just pissed off the wrong person in this place. Have fun being rejected from the best place around." I walk away from the group and head in the direction of the alley.

As I take the back way to the café I see a car pull in front of me. The windows are pulled down and I see Nick. "Why aren't you at work, Paige?"

"Something happened and I had to take a break. I'm heading back to work right now." He looks back down the street. "You shouldn't go back that way on your own. I'll drive you."

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