Proving Him Wrong - 2.

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Mom and Dad came home at the same time last night. So, it was easier for me to tell them what happened while the twins were at Clara's place. Mom was pissed at first that all their stuff was stolen. Then she settled down and said. "We'll just have to buy more electronic things. But, until we can afford it we'll just have to go without."

Dad looked at the fridge and shook his head. "What kind of moron would mess with another person's food?"

I shrug. "Maybe, they were after cash. You know people actually freeze their money."

Dad laughed. "Yeah, they are morons. If the people that stole our stuff are from here they should have known that we don't have enough things."

Hayden rubbed her eyes and said. "I'm tired, Paige. Can you take me to bed?"

I picked her up and placed her on my hips.

Darcy reached up and I scooped her in my arms and put her on my other hip.

Hayden pulled my hair. "Horsey, gallop."

I galloped down the halls with the twins. I put them in their bed. I pulled the blankets over them.

Hayden sits up in the bed. "Mommy," she covers her mouth.

I laughed at her slip up.

She smiled. "Paige, can you sing to us?"

I nodded. "Lie back in the bed and close your eyes. I love you both."

"I love you, Paige." They closed their eyes.

I pick up the guitar that I hide under the bed. I strum the chords and I begin singing to them.

"I know two beautiful girls,
They have blonde hair and brown eyes,
I call them my twin sisters.

I protect them the best I can,
I love them with my whole heart,
I want them to have a better future than me,
I want them to dream of things possible.

They shouldn't worry about money,
Or food on the table,
Or things being stolen,
They should enjoy their childhood."

I looked at the door and saw Mom and Dad standing there.

"This is there 'goodnight song'
Something I made up while strumming,
On this guitar,
Goodnight, twins."

I placed the guitar under the bed and turned off the lights.

Mom smiles when I exited the room. "I forgot what a beautiful voice you have. Maybe, we should get you to busk to get us the TV and radio back." She joked.

I shakes my head. "I can't busk when I have a job to go to in the morning."


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