Betony • Stachy Officinalis

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Other Names: St Brid's Comb, Stachys betonica, woundwort, common hedgenettle, lousewort, purple betony, bishopwort, bishop's elder, spiked betony

General Information:

Betony is a woodland perennial and a member of the mint family with its characteristic square stem and bilabiate flowers. The flowers are lavender in color and appear in whorls from June through August. The leaves and stem are hairy and fragrant. The plant appears along woodland edges and can reach up to two feet in height. Betony is a European native that has naturalized over much of the United States and is considered a weed in many areas.

Magickal Attributes:

Identified with attorlothe of the Nine Herbs Charm, Betony resonates with the energy of the planet Jupiter and the element fire and is masculine in nature.

Betony can be added to any protective mixtures, grown around the home to protect it or carried on the person (especially under one's hat) to protect from negativity, misfortune and hexes. Scattered near doors, it prevents unwanted energies (and people) from entering. It can has been planted in graveyards to prevent evil spirits from escaping.

Betony can be stuffed into a pillow or placed underneath to prevent nightmares and night terrors.

Household Use:

Makes a chartreuse dye with an alum mordant.

Makes a chartreuse dye with an alum mordant

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