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Clothes on the floor
Feet bare to cold tile
Scanning up and down
My eyes were relentless

Every pressing day
A hollow reflection
Stared back at me
With fuzzy eyes

I tried to blame the mirror
Forcing me to see
All along, it was my mind
Making me look down

At 16 years of age
I decided to make it stop
A black outline

Placed carefully on my arm
The pain was nothing more
For I'd felt the pain of hatred
Shocking through my blood

That very day
A part of me changed
One part of me
Became okay

At 17 years of age
The voices persisted
They broke me down
I was a ghost

I stood at the mirror
Looked down to see the truth
I loathed every curve
Made me want to puke

One calm evening
I let the water fall
Red streaks in the drain
Those marks took it all

The scars gave in
Engraved forever
My sick mind
Thought it was better

Now I am scared
Terrified, really
For I can't take it back
Permanent past

As I sit in the shower
Water pouring down
I feel empty

When I go back to the mirror
I see a different reflection
It's someone who believes
They take me a new direction

Every single day
Their voice speaks loud
It covers up my mind
I start to listen

Words replay
My eyes open wide
Once more
You're beautiful

My heart twinges
I go to the mirror
The girl that looks back
Sees a little clearer

I try to look again
It's not as bad this time
Each day brings less pain
One step closer

The scars that used to define me
The girl I used to be
Changed through one person
I'm so lucky

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