Chapter 18

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"Let me in! Please! Please let me in!"

The pounding became more desperate and sporadic as it speed began to quicken. It sounded as though he was using both of his fists instead of just one.


Patton rose from his spot and sprinted towards the door. As he ran, he tripped over his own feet and fell face first into the hard concrete floor. He lifted his head, eyes brimming with tears, but he did not get up immediately. Upon hearing the fall, Virgil grimaced and quickly crossed the room to come to his father's aid.

"Dad...ugh it feels weird saying that....we can't Not yet."

"But it's Roman! It has to be!
If we don't let him in, he'll be consumed by black slithery hand things! HE'LL DIE VIRGIL!"

Patton's eyes searched Virgil's face for at least an ounce of empathy. Roman had done something unmistakably malicious and unforgivable, but he was still a main part of Thomas's mind and Patton still cared for him. It would still be considered treason to let him die.

"It might not be Roman could be something or someone wanting to get in to kill us. I'm sorry..."

"But Logan said that we HAD to find him! His chest is glowing brighter than ever! It HAS to be him."

"No...Patton. You, of all people, should know this."


"Patton...I'm only going to relent because of ONE fact and that is, like you said, Roman needs to be here for Thomas's sake. BUT we need a fool proof plan, in case it isn't truly Roman."

Virgil stood up from his crouching position and began to walk a circle around the room, looking for anything that could be used to knock a trait out cold.


Roman stood just outside the control room, his hands bound in a thick magical rope. The rope could lengthen, shorten, strengthen, and weaken at a flick of its masters wrist. Using his sword to break the bonds would foolish, but he supposed it wouldn't matter now. His sword was out of reach, held captive by a much darker trait. Originally Roman had assumed that it was Virgil finally running to him now that "Sir Dictionary of the Falsehoods" was dead. As time grew on Roman noticed that there were little things about the trait that seemed off. He was always fatigued and never mentioned anything about sustenance for himself. There was no color to him. No purple. Once he had meticulously analyzed all of flags presented to him, he knew that he was in danger. Depression looked innocent and pathetic with his pale face and ready eyes. However, what he lacked in brawn came out full force in brain. He was oddly creative but philosophical. He questioned life and existence, but had an obsession over death and torture. Roman feared him. He feared the trait controlling the rope more than he had ever feared any Dragon Witch, even the cruelest of them.

"Why aren't they answering the door, Roman?"

"I....I don't know."

Roman's voice quavered and he fought to keep his confidence and courage up. He winced when Virgil's doppelgänger tightened the ropes.

"Mmmm. Maybe I should torture you, like you did Logan? Surely your screaming will make them come running. Although...I must admit, you did put on quite the show. Even managed to mark an unwilling trait. That's quite a feat. Maybe I'll keep you alive and recruit you when we take over. Maybe."

Roman gulped. His face contorting in confusion and fear.

I tortured Logan? Marked him? That's impossible...Marks are a thing of legends...even if I did, there's no way to break it....

Beside him the more familiar and equally as hated voice spoke out from his left side. The voice was hushed and a hint of worry clung to every word.

"Later Depression. We have to kill him if we want Thomas dead. If he's alive then we have something to take over. Mess with him. Roman knocked already."

Depression grumbled but nodded, letting the rope go just a bit lax. Either he was oblivious to Deceits body language or he didn't care. Either way, it was obvious to Roman that Deceit was telling lies within his lies. Deceit's  eyes darted around nervously, occasionally softening then glaring when they locked with Roman's.

"Try knocking, Princy."

Roman quickly obliged, jumping out of his thoughts. He banged on the door as hard as he dared but Depression was not satisfied. To his right he could hear his sword being unsheathed, making his breath hitch.

"It looks like you need some motivation. Surely you want to see your so called....friends."

Cold, hard metal pressed up against his upper thigh causing him knock more frantically.

"Let me in you fools!"

Depression smiled for a split second before frowning again.

"You're not trying hard enough. I guess you want to stay out here with us?"

The sword moved gracefully across his hip and blood began to stream down his leg. He cried out in pain and began to knock with a strong conviction. Every knock became more and more sporadic as pain overloaded his senses.

"Let me in! Please! Please let me in! I'll do anything, just let me in!"

Roman was crying now and his vision was steadily becoming clouded.

"Depression. That's not enough. We want him to die, remember?"

Depression growled, opening his mouth to speak but a loud crash silenced him. From within the control room he could hear his father shouting Roman's name. Soon quick footsteps neared the door but stopped. Hushed mumbled words were being used to calm father figure.

Pathetic Patton. How can you even be my father? Great Keeper of Emotions my ass. More like, Overuser of Emotions.

Depression chuckled grimly. For him this was going to be too easy. He had the hero confined, the smart, "take-no-bullshit" one was in a coma, and the other two cared too much for him to make him stop. Even if Virgil and Patton were prepared for extra guests, he wouldn't be bound for long and ultimate take over could begin.


Was supposed to be out yesterday, but I got distracted. I hope you got what you were expecting!

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