Epilogue: Nadia

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"Let the record start."

The crowds of people quiet down immediately at these three simple words.

"This high court of the Northern Water Tribe is now in session for the case of The People of the Northern Water Tribe and the People of the Earth Kingdom vs Chief Kavik. Due to the fact that this case involves multiple nations as well as victims from every nation, the ruling parties of King Wu and Queen Nadia, from the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe, respectively, have determined that a standard trial, as would be held in Republic City, would be the fair way of seeing equal representation. The trial is held in the Northern Water Tribe so that the defendant will not have to be transported. Will the defendant please rise," the judge states.

At this, Kavik stands.

I can easily see him stand from my front row seat on the side of the plaintiff. In my row is the advisor to the chief, the Earth King and his councilor, as well as a couple of guards. They are the only representatives of the Earth Kingdom that could get here and that was only with me guiding them through the Spirit Portal in Republic City to the one here at the North Pole. I did not want to anger the spirits by transporting a large amount of Earth Kingdom citizens.

"How will the defendant plead on the accounts of kidnapping and torturing Levi, a citizen of Republic City?" the judge asks.

"Guilty," Kavik states clearly, even though his voice is trembling with something.

"How will the defendant plead on the accounts of coercion of Avatar Nadia?" the judge asks again. Before Kavik answers, he looks slightly back at me, and I see such a sad look in his eyes.

"Guilty," Kavik answers after breaking eye contact with me.

"How will the defendant plead on the accounts of brainwashing and mind control of Avatar Serefina, forcing her to attack the people of the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe?" the judge finally asks.

I look to the empty seat next to me that would have been reserved for Serefina. She got special permission to skip the court proceedings, on the accounts of how she did not want to harm these people again. She has already started her 'journey' to finding a cure. Who knows where she is now?

Kavik looks confused for a split second before answering, "Not Guilty."

The court goes insane at his words. Drake even stands up and looks like he is about to say something, but I look back at him and glare, telling him to stand down. He sits down and the judge slams his mallet on his podium.

"Order, order in the court!" Now normally if Kavik had just said guilty for all the charges, then the court could simply skip to the sentencing. But now we have to go through the entire proceedings. I sigh in frustration, knowing that because of this, I will probably be called up to be a witness. Serefina would've probably also been called up to be a witness, but since she got permission from the judge as well as myself and the Earth King, I will have to participate for her. I wanted this court proceeding to go quickly, but knowing my luck, of course it is not.

The court settles down finally and the proceedings start. The plaintiff gives their opening statement about how obviously Kavik was overcome with power and did not behave responsibly. What he already admitted to is enough to have him arrested for many years. If he is not responsible, then who is?

At that question, it is the defendant's turn for their opening statement. Theirs starts by saying that Kavik wanted what was best for his tribe, which is his duty as chief. He felt that having the Avatar here would do just that and while he was willing to do what was necessary, he went overboard. But that he had no idea that Avatar Serefina was brainwashed. He had no knowledge that that was even possible. The documents of the Di Lee doing such things is limited and not widely believed. He never knew what code word triggered her and still does not. And how could he have triggered her in the Earth Kingdom while he was here in the Northern Water Tribe? Once this statement is over, not without complaints from the crowd, it is time for the questioning.

The questioning takes a very long time. No surprise that I am one of the first to be questioned, followed by the Earth King's councilmen who had to handle the situation in the Earth Kingdom. Then Serefina is called up, so I have to go up again and explain to the jury why I am up here instead of Serefina. Next Drake, followed by Terra. It continues in this pattern for a while. Finally, Kavik is called to the stand.

"State your name for the record," the plaintiff lawyer says begrudgingly.

"Kavik Como," he repeats.

"I will cut to the chase here. Did you or did you not force Avatar Nadia to marry you?"

"I did."

"Will you tell the court how you did that?"

"By holding a man named Levi hostage. He is her friend and a member, as the press call it, of 'Team Avatar.'"

"Will you now tell the court why you did that?"

"I have been in love with Nadia since before she was the Avatar. I was hurt by her rejection, and then opportunity knocked with my soldiers finding an injured and passed out Levi."

"I see. Now how does Avatar Serefina fit into this equation? Were you planning on getting her to come to the North Pole to keep her hostage too?"

"Avatar Serefina was never my priority. I only wanted Avatar Nadia to see that I was worth loving and that she belongs here, in the North Pole, her home that will always accept her. When she showed up, I welcomed her."

"Are you telling me you were not aware at all of her, as the people are calling, brain washing?"

"Of course, I was aware of the fact. It had been all over the news."

"Then what exactly are you saying."

"That even though I knew, I was not the one that brainwashed her like everyone seems to believe."

"Then, I ask, who is?" the lawyer asks.

"I have no idea," Kavik whispers.

"I would like to submit from evidence, this letter. Found on Prince Kavik's desk by Avatar Nadia. Will you read this for me?" The lawyer asks. Kavik takes the letter and reads it.

"I have never before seen this letter. And for those of you who cannot see the letter - it is actually not addressed to me, nor is it signed."

"Have you received similar letters?"

"There is no proof of that," Kavik answers.

"This whole proceeding will go quicker if you just tell the truth," the plaintiff lawyer explains tiredly.

"See that's the thing. I am telling the truth."

At this the Earth King gets frustrated; I can see it from my seat near him.

"Permission to speak, sir? I wish to make a suggestion," the Earth King asks.

The only earthbenders present are Terra, the councilman of the Earth King, and myself. So, the three of us approach the stand. We stand in front of Kavik while the lawyer asks the question.

"Chief Kavik of the Northern Water Tribe, did you have any part in, or any knowledge of, the brainwashing and mind control of Avatar Serefina at any point before your arrest?"

"No, I did not."

And I can tell that all three of us have reached the same conclusion by the look of surprise in our eyes.

"He is telling the truth." 

Broken Spirit Book 2: Desperate TimesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang