Chapter Five: Nadia

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The time after the party does not fly by. I find myself practicing my waterbending and going to the Spirit Oasis to mediate more. Kavik has been attending to royal duties or something, he never gave me a straight answer on exactly what he was doing just that it was boring and necessary. My other waterbender friends all have lives, with families and jobs, and I don't feel right interrupting them.

One evening as I sit there in the oasis enjoying the warmer weather I find myself realizing I was bored. Visiting the North Pole was nice and very relaxing but I find myself missing my friends and being able to practice earthbending. Believe it or not, even being able to help people as the Avatar.

I watch the two spirits who have taken the form of fish swim in a never ending cycle and sigh out loud.

"Bored?" Kavik's voice asks me. I turn around pleased to see him, even if our last encounter was kind of awkward. I felt bad because he deserves a reason as to why I can't marry him but I can't bring myself to talk about Levi right now.

"A little, it is nice to be home, but it is like I don't have a life here now," I confess to him.

"You could have a life here now. My father would happily arrange our marriage," he says bringing up the dreaded topic.

"Listen Kavik, you are such a good friend but I can't give you the love you deserve right now. While I was on my Avatar journey, I fell in love and he isn't alive anymore. I can't move on from him though," I finally tell him. He doesn't seem shocked, which surprises me.

"I figured it was something like that. But don't you think with him dying he would want you to be happy. Don't I make you happy? Doesn't the idea of having the power of the Avatar and the power of the Northern Water Tribe Chief entice you? Do you think he would want you wallowing and not doing anything with your time?" he asks me. I am shocked by his words. He said it with so much force.

"That is why I want to do something to help people or at least check with the White Lotus to see if I have any Avatar duties," I tell him.

"Oh speaking of the White Lotus, I believe they sent you a letter. I have it here somewhere," he says reaching into one of his many pockets. I give him a questioning glance.

"Why do you have my mail?" I can't help but ask him.

"I ran into the post man wondering the halls looking for you. I figured I would offer taking it since I was coming to find you anyway. He seemed very busy," he tells me handing me over the letter. I look at the return address and the seal and it is indeed from the Republic City White Lotus.

"Well that was nice of you," I tell him. I open the letter and read what they have to say.

Dear Avatar Nadia,

We at the Republic City chapter of the White Lotus hope this letter finds you in good health. We are writing to let you know that the city board of Republic City wishes to hold a festival in honor of finishing up clean up from the attack by the Red Lotus. The festival will include rides, games, food, and shows. The entire city is invited to join in the festivities. They wish to have both the Avatars as special guests. You are welcome to bring anyone with you. We hope to see you there.


The White Lotus

"What does it say?" Kavik asks me.

"They invited me to a festival held in Republic City as an honored guest. Not the exact thing I would have chosen to do as the Avatar but I suppose it is something. Then after I could always ask the White Lotus if they have any other jobs for me," I think out loud.

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