Chapter Six: Serefina

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I was a bit uneasy about a celebration revolving predominantly around me and one other person. The spotlight has never been particularly flattering, but this time is different. When my name is announced, people cheer and clap loudly. When I smile, it's not forced at all.

We all got to reunite with Nadia the night before, which made it even better. I hugged her as soon as I saw her. It felt like a lifetime since we were last together.

"How are you?" I asked.

She told me about being honored at the North Pole. "Did the Fire Nation do anything special for you?" she asked.

"Kind of," I said. "They had a little formality, but it was pretty private."

"I guess it helps if you know the leaders," she said. "Speaking of which, this is my best friend Kavik."

As if on cue, a young man stepped forward and extended his hand, releasing a killer smile. "I've heard so much about you."

I shook his hand. "And I've heard nothing about you."

Nadia interjected. "Kavik's father is the chief."

"Well, that's a lot of responsibility," I said, wondering why someone so close to her was never mentioned before. "Only a certain kind of person is meant to lead."

"It's not an easy job," he admitted. "There's a lot of hard work that goes into it. But my father always said that you can do anything if you don't give in to anyone else."

Drake stepped in then, taking over the conversation from me, for which I was grateful.

The next day, after the formal part of the ceremony is over, we're able to have some fun for the first time in forever. Before long though, I notice several people corner Drake in my peripheral vision. I make my way through the crowd toward them, and as I get closer, I catch snippets of conversation.

"—unwise to make an appearance here," a woman is saying.

"People already don't trust you," her companion adds. "Being a twin makes it even more difficult to prove your authenticity."

"I'm working on it," Drake grumbles. "I'll find a way." He pushes past them and almost rams into me. He barely forces out an apology before he continues walking.

I don't stop him. We've been on fragile ground since we met Narumi, basically ignoring what she said, but I know it can't last much longer. Sooner or later, we have to confront it.

We stay at Republic City for two days after the celebration. I can tell that Terra had greatly missed her family and wanted to spend some time with them. Nadia only stays for one extra day, saying some vague claim that she's needed elsewhere. It upset me more than it should. I mean, none of us have seen her for months on end and she leaves the first chance she gets? Something else is going on with her. I tried to ask her about it before she leaves, with the pretense of wishing her a safe trip.

"I wish I could stay longer," she admitted. "But there's some stuff I need to put right first, and then I'll be back for good, I promise."

I saw Kavik in the background talking to someone, and I had to ask. "How come you never mentioned Kavik before?"

Her smile turned down at the corners. "Because I wasn't sure if we were still friends. Before I left for Republic City, we had a falling out. I thought he hated me. It was easier not to think about it. Besides," she added with a laugh, "you never told us anything about you for the longest time."

"But eventually I did," I said evenly.

"Well, now I am too," she replied.

Are you? I wanted to ask.

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