Chapter Four: Serefina

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Pema greeted me warmly when I arrived at the Air Temple. The first thing she did was wrap me in a hug. The second thing she did was ask about Drake.

"Drake?" I repeated. "What about him?"

"Isn't he with you?" she asked. "He comes here almost every day, and he told me he was going to visit."

"He comes here? He told me he was staying with the White Lotus."

"Well, he is. Technically," she admitted. "But it's hard for airbenders to be confined like that. He often sneaks away during the day."

"He never told me that," I muttered. Suddenly, I was questioning every conversation we ever had. What else didn't he tell me?

Despite that awkward greeting, staying with airbenders is always a calming experience. I've been here close to a week now, and in many ways feel rejuvenated. Although, I sometimes catch Pema wearing a frown on her face, probably wondering what caused Drake to disappear off the face of the earth. I don't have the heart to tell her it's my fault, but I do question how he would've known where I was.

"Serefina?" Pema calls. "You have a letter."

I jump down from my perch on the edge of a rooftop. "You know, I'd be a lot easier if you guys invested in some phones."

"You know our policy on technology."

I take the letter from her outstretched hand and smirk. "I've seen your room, Pema. I know you have a radio hidden away in there."

She becomes flustered, stammering that it's only for emergencies, and I walk away laughing.

I unfold the paper, recognizing Terra's loopy signature at the bottom.


When I tried to call the other day, your mom told me about your little date fiasco. I admit, I was a little upset you didn't bother to tell me any of this. I live for this kind of excitement! But, I decided to forgive you. And, if you need a friend to confide in, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to hold your punching bag, I'm here.

I hate the idea of you hiding away at an Air Temple. I know you're probably there for training, blah blah. But if you want, you can stay with me in Ba Sing Se for a while. Everything is finally rebuilt here and it's actually really pretty.

Miss you,


I can't hide the grin on my face from reading the letter. Maybe she's right. I can't master airbending unless I'm at peace with myself. Drake told me that.

The next day, I say goodbye to the airbenders with a promise to return. I can tell that Mizuchi missed these longer trips. He stretches out his wings wide and does many unnecessary banks and turns, but I don't stop him. I'm enjoying them just as much.

The address Terra gave leads me to a small apartment that has been recently refurbished. While I knock, Mizuchi eagerly starts tearing into the soft grass beside the building, probably searching for the small rodents that often burrow there.

The door is flung open and Terra's smiling face fills the entire space. "Serefina! You made it! Come in, come in!"

I start to walk in and abruptly freeze. Sulking in the corner, half-hidden behind Terra's too-wide grin, is Drake.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. It comes out harsher than I intended.

"Good to see you too," he bites back.

Terra pokes her face in between our stare-down. "I invited him," she says.

So now I turn to her, debating how fast I can escape on Mizuchi. "Why?"

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