Chapter 16

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Nothing super spectacular happened on your date with a skeleton. Using the term "date" loosely anyway. You wouldn't really call getting threatened while you ate spaghetti a date, but who knows monsters are different from humans, that could have been the highest class date in the whole underground. 

That thought gave you a good chuckle. Not that you chuckled outside of your head, being you were still sitting at the table papyrus across from you, and that would have been weird..... 

Well weirder than going on a date with a murderous skeleton. Because thats a perfectly normal occurrence. Yup youre just the everyday normal Joe you see walking through town to buy some bread from the market. Not the only human within the underground full of monsters. Nope not at all. 

You live a perfectly normal life with perfectly normal beings. Not crazy at all. 

"Are you even paying attention!!?!?" The screechy tone of Papyrus snapped you from your thoughts 

"Yeah totally, you were just gloating bout that one dude you killed that one time." You replied with a grin 

The pin pricks of his pupils narrowed a little as he leaned forward, "You are lucky I don't kill you where you sit." 

"Are you flirting with me?" You laughed, "Cause thats not how most people do it." 

He glared as a faint red dusted his cheek bones. You knew you were in his head... Skull? It doesn't matter, all that mattered was that you were getting to him. You really didn't know why you were doing this, was it his reactions? sure let's go with that.

Pap had leaned back in his chair with a low sigh that ended in a small growl. You couldn't stop grinning to yourself. This was fun. Very fun. 

"So any hobbies besides gloating and screaming?" You asked with a chuckle

He glared a little, "I don't do those things!" 

You gave the skeleton a 'really?' look as he huffed and grumbled a little.

"I am a part of the royal guard if you must really know." He huffed as he ate

"The royal guard? Whats that like?" You hummed 

"Why do you care!?" He shouted 

"Because this is a date? And I'm trying to get to know my date?" 

He was quiet for awhile, occasionally looking up from his food to glare at you. You didn't really care, if he wanted to hate you, you'd let him. You soon finished up your food and picked up the plate as you stood up. 

"Where are you going!?" He demanded 

"To put this dish in the sink? Or would you like me to leave it on the table?" You asked with a small glare at him 

He was  silent again as you walked over to the sink and placed the plate in it. You then walked over and grabbed your bag and made sure Flowey was fine before heading to the living room, Papyrus was quick to follow you. 

"Where do you think you're doing!?" He huffed loudly 

"In a direction."

Ha, Ha, Nice Try. (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat