Chapter 10

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Soon after fighting Dogamy and Dogaressa you battled first Lesser Dog, at first you had just called her dog then you met the other one, then Gretaer Dog. Both were difficult, especially with your wounded leg, but you had won and chosen to spare their miserable lives. Some how some way maybe it was because your hand brushed over Lesser Dogs stained cream fur, but her neck began to lengthen. It had not grown phenomenally just exposed the highly venerable area to more options to attack, which you had gladly taken.

You saw the fear that the dog held deep within her dark chocolate eyes as your foot was placed heavily over her exposed throat. When you had moved on most of your leg was numb making it hard to walk, you still igorned Flowey's protests for you to rest. You had soon encountered Greater Dog, and your first action was to cock your brow at his tiny dog head compared to his large body. Your proceeded to fight him, the large white dog attacking with large amounts of strength which you barely dodged, when ever you had hit the dirt you struggled to quickly get up you managed to dog the massive dog and spare him by holding his own spear to his head.

You continued forward basically dragging your leg. You paused at a snow encrusted sign. You scraped some ice and dried blood away and read it. 'Welcome to Snowdin.' You did not dare question what the dark sloppy substance they used to crudely add on 'Welcome to' was. You straightened yourself and forced you self to walk as straight at you could. Many of the monsters you passed looked down at you as through you were a pitiful, through most of the stares were skeptical, as through they were analyzing your abilities, most seemed fearful.

'Good.' You tought to yourself as you passed a very bedraggled looking pine tree where a few monsters were hanging some decorations, for what celebrations you had no clue, nor did you care.

You stopped when a small dinosaur like monster stood in front of you. His head was level with your shoulder while the largest spines on his head reached your nose. You set you gaze coldly on him and cocked a brow.

"What the fuck do you want?" You spat, "I've got places to be." Through you really didn't, truly you were very lost

"Hello." The small armless monster said coolly, you have elected to call him monster kid, "Saw you looking at the decorations, and you seem knew here, so I'll tell ya what we're celebrating." The dark, mustard yellow monster grinned widely revealing large yellowing fangs, "The death of the first human soul to aid our escape!" Monster Kid chuckled darkly

You cocked a brow and snickered slightly, "Is that supposed to be a threat little boy?" Monster Kid's red and yellow eyes widened at your reaction, "Don't you have some dying tree to line with popcorn strings?" You leaned back on your good leg lightly and placed a hand on your hip and glared down at him, "Now I've got some adult business to take care of, so as we say in the human world, Fuck Off." you pushed passed the small monster casing him to fall back in the snow, you didn't look back as he struggled

You soon arrived at a bar of sorts. You paused to read a sign plastered on the window, 'Grillby's II Now Acid Prove You Fuckers.' You cocked a brow slightly at the ending but shrugged it off and pushed your way through the doors. Almost immediately all gazed snapped to you, you saw most of the dogs you have brought down bandaging themselves while playing what looked like a game of poker. Each of their gazes trailed down after you glared back more heavily. You walked towards the bar every pair (Or triplet... or octuplet) eyes followed with you. You plopped yourself down near the end of the bar, second to the end to be exact. Your leg was a dull throbbing, numbing, gnawing pain. You could feel the blood begin to soak through the bandages. You folded your arms on the bar and rested your chin on the smooth surface.

You were tempted to sleep, but your knew that would be an incredibly idiotic idea, especially with a large group of people you have defeated behind you. You heard Flowey softly snoring in your bag. Soon you waved the bar keep over, a fire elemental monster. The most peculiar thing was his red and blue flame flickered out to the side and curled up giving him a more spyesk look in his suit and dark tinted glasses. You tilited your head slightly.

"Whatcha got for liquior?" You questioned resting your chin on your hand

The monster, whom you assumed was Grillby proceeded to place eight bottles of liquior before you. Ranging from light beer to hard whiskey, you selected a liquior right about in the middle. The fire elemental poored you a large beer stine full and set it before you. He asked you if there was anything else you wanted you shook your head. He left and talked with some other monsters. You took a swig from the glass. It tasted bitter on your tongue, but you neeeded it to help take the edge off the pain in your leg. You swallowed another mouth full and stared swirling the soft creamy brown liquid in the clear glass.

The seat next to you creaked slightly as someone plopped themselves down in it. You swallowed another mouth full of alcohol and watched as Grillby walked down to,where you sat and reached under the bar and set a bottle of mustard down and left. You gazed a little at the bottle. A skeleton hand reached out and picked it up. Sans, your newly made ally, you could tell you only knew on other skeleton here and you haven't even officially met.

"Sup tots?" Sans muttered placing the mustard bottle down

"Almost got my leg ripped off, but I've been in worse conditions." You grumbled taking a large drink from your glass

"Huh, I see you also met the dog squad other there." Sans clicked his toughest slightly setting his gaze on the dogs casting hesitant glances at you every now and the

"Yes, and?" You cocked a brow

"You probably need plenty of stitches." Sans chuckled

"Just on my bite." You responded taking another swig from the glass

"Heh. Drunkening yourself up so the pain is dulled, smart one sweet cheeks." He chuckled bringing the mustard bottle to his lips

You didn't question why he was drinking it or how for that matter. You have seen more confusing things so far in this hell hole.

"Ya know how to do stitches?" You asked cocking a brow slightly, " or am I just gonna keep bleeding here in Grillby's?"

"Ya I can do stictches toots, but why would I do them on you?" He raised a 'brow'

"We're in an alliance is the big one that comes to mind." You said taking another drink of alcohol

"Fair enough." Sans shrugged, "Lets get to it."

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