Chapter 9

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You continued to limp around not exactly sure where to go. Nothing has attacked you in a while which you were sure was a good or bad thing. You continued to limp onward Flowey would tell you to slow down and rest, but you knew if you stopped to sit now you would be able to get up. Powering through the pain you stiffened slightly when you heard a quiet shuffle. You paused and gazed around. A terrible feeling crept up your spine as you continued to limp a little faster.

"What's that smell!?" A low voice growled

"Where's that smell!?" A higher pitched voice replied from behind you

You limped faster not darling to turn back. You swallowed your fear and hissed slightly through your teeth at the pain in your throbbing right leg.

"Blood!!" Both voice cried in unison

You stiffened slightly, they can smell your wound. You continued moving forward as fast as you could.

"Human!!" Both voice cried again

You kept moving forward you felt blood welling between the bandages. You limped forward and mid stride an ax slice right in front of your feet. You turned around to see two large hooded monsters. You stared at them a lump in your throat. The both held a large axes, you could smell blood on their heavy breaths. Not again, you couldn't win this battle, you were too injured. You saw each of the white muzzles lips pull back into a snarl reviling sharp red stained teeth.

"Great. Another pair of biters." You mumbled to yourself you slowly slipped off your bag not moving your gaze from the monsters

You quickly tossed your bag away Flowey staring at you worriedly as he landed far from line of attack. You dodged as two large axes swung at you at once. You ducked as an ax swiped above your head, you stumbled back as the larger of the two cloaked monsters swung down at you. You spun away as an ax slashed missing your shoulder. You leapt onto the handle of the long ax and swung your fist at the monster holding it. They jerked their head backwards their hood falling back. Another dog monster, they looked female. You have elected to call them Dogaressa. You didn't hold long to your thoughts as you backflipped off the handle as the other monster probably another dog swung its own blade at you. You crouched low on the ground one hand holding your upper body above the snowy path. Your other arm, your right, was bent over your back. Your eyes darted over the monsters before you as Dogaressa ripped her ax out of the ground her orange eyes boring a hole through your skull. You had to get off the defensive and get on the offensive, other wise you would get no where very fast. You dodged to the left as Dogaressa swung her ax at your right shoulder.

The other monster loomed above you ax raised high above their head. You quickly surged upwards your fist colliding with the under side of their muzzle. They yelled loudly and realised their grip on the ax sending it clattering useless behind you. You drive your other fist it their muzzle again suddenly having turned the tables. You brought your foot around the back of your heel collided with the side of their muzzle. They yelped like a dog that had been hurt and stumbled back holding their muzzle. They fell backwards their hood falling back a large turn up of fur between their ears and a two thick black brows gave the monster a more masculine look, you have elected to call them Dogamy.

You puffed a heavy breath. Your injury was getting to you, not that it was the best idea to smash someone's face with your injured leg. The stinging rippled up and down through your leg. You heard Dogaressa growl lowly as she finally tore her ax from the frozen ground. She turned to you tapping the large handle in her other paw. She slowly approached you. Now of all times would be the time to summon the blade thing. You tightly clentched your fists the dark red mist soon danced its way up your forearms. You jumped limply away as Dogaressa lashed out with her ax. How did you do it before!? You ducked as she slashed at your head. Snow bit you, then... then you just wanted him to put down. You got angry when he didn't. No, you were enraged when he didn't listen. That's it, your rage has always fueled you. You growled slightly and allowed yourself to grow angry that Dogaressa would have the audacity to attack you.

Your face contorted as your brows lowered casing a shadow over your eyes. Like gasoline to fire you felt the mist harden and take shape. You straightened yourself and glared forward your fists tightly clentched. Dogaressa and Dogamy got up each holding the large axes. They approached you and you held yourself there. In unison they raised the axes over their heads. Move now. As they swung down you dodged to the left then to back to the right slicing Dogamy's leg. Not slowing down, even at the extreme pain in your right leg, you twisted yourself behind the dog monster and twisted around Dogaressa and slicing her right leg. You leapt over the large handle on Dogaressa's ax as both of them stumbled backwards howling in pain you rushed forward and sliced the legs closest to each other (Dogaressa's left and Dogamy's right). They both fall backwards their heads at your ankles. You gazed at the blades at your arms and was somewhat shocked seeing both had a blade.

Not thinking about it for too long you placed the tip of each blade between each pairs of orange-yellow eyes. You spat and glared down at them.

"Pitiful! The odds were stacked heavily in your favor, I am injured and let alone you are two pitiful souls. I still managed to defeat both of you." You growled lowly, you pressed the blades heavier against their foreheads, drawing a faint line of blood, "I should just kill you now, end your pitiful existences! Through just existing would be punishment enough for such unworthy souls." You narrowed your eyes and glared into their fearful ones, "Remember my face, my voice, my name." Your lip twitched, "Remember on this day, (y/n) (l/n) defeated you and tell the others how pitifully you tried to battle me." You grinned softly pressing the blades harder blood welling between their eyes began to stain their pearly white fur, "Pitiful." You stood up and walked away the blades dissipating and swung your bag over your shoulders

You walked passed them as they leaned on each other struggling to stand. And you smiled.

You have sparred Dogamy and Dogaressa.

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