Chapter 1

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You heaved a puffy breath as you ran down a path, you could hear them behind you. Yelling curses and wanting your head. Your feet hit the dirt sending showers of dust everywhere. Your heart was pounding in your throat as you took a sharp turn right. You slide to a stop your toes curling as you saw the empty air before you. The bridge was out!

You turned your head hearing a distant howl from them. You hastily took a few steps back from the sheer edge of the cliff face. You puffed a shaky breath as you jogged in place slightly. This was insane! This was the only way! There has to be another way! You shook your head clearing it slightly and glared at the ground on the other side of the valley. Your toes dug into the soft ground as you lowered your body. Your hands spread into the dirt as you took a few deep breaths.

You pushed hard down on your feet tearing up chunks of ground in your wake as you sprinted towards the edge. Your toes met the edge and you pushed hard into the jump your arms outstretched.

"Ooff!" You groaned as your stomach slammed into the cliff face.

You started to slide down your arms scrambled the gripped onto a tree root. You heaved a sigh of relief and pulled yourself up. You cast a final glance back then bolted off.


Shaking your head you padded on Flowey laughing as he told a joke you didn't get. The flower had warmed up to you as you had been walking the long cold corridors of the ruins. The darkness was almost suffocating you were glad you had Flowey with you, it made this search for "Toriel" more tolerable. You shifted the boot slightly under your arm, your fingers going a little numb.

"So who have you been practicing all these jokes on?" You hummed climbing over a small pile of rubble

"Well... ummm..." Flowey bent at his stem slightly thinking, "Myself..?" He sounded unsure of his statement.

You chuckled, "That's how start." You smiled down at the yellow flower, "The jokes are pretty good."

He beamed, "T-t-thanks! I-I'm glad you like them!" You chuckled softly at his childish banter

A bright bast whipped past your face. Your eyes widened as the golden-orange blast shattered against the wall sending rubble and dust showering down.

"Hold still you god damned-!" A women's voice as cut off as she grunted, maybe hit?

You looked down at Flowey whom had the same shocked and confused expression on his face. You looked back forward then to where the blast emerged. You saw warm orange lights rise every few moments. You hesitantly started down the path hiding behind a small pile of rubble you placed Flowey down.

"(Y/)-" you cut him off

"No, you stay here. I'll scout and try not get involved." He gave you an uncertain look, but you stroked one of his petals, "I'll come back for you. Don't worry."

"Stay safe... y-y-your my only friend," he sighed, "I-I don't know what I would do if you were hurt."

You smiled softly at him. You ran off taking cover behind shattered pillars. As you grew nearer to the battle the air kept getting warmer and warmer. You popped your head out to try and catch sight of anything that is happening. You immediately pulled your head back into cover as another fiery blast collided into the pillar. You poked your head out again and furrowed your brows. A goat woman?

"Fuck!" She growled holding her palm out to an arachnid-like creature on the rocky wall, "Would you fucking hold still!"

An orange glow began to form in the center of her white furred hand. The Orange tongues of an almost flame like energy licked up around her hand. Her lip twitched in anger as the blast rippled off her hand and collided with the black and white thorax of the spider-like monster. With a sick splat! All that remained of the monster was a green goop slowly drop to the tunnel floor in thick mounds of blood and flesh. The goat like women turned to where you were hiding.

"Do you want to fight too!?" She growled, "Come out here!"

You took a shaking breath and hesitantly stepped into view. Her eyes widened as you stopped a few feet from her. You gently touched your finger tips together nervously.

"H-h-hello..." you said waving a little

"A-a human." She stammered shocked

"Y-yeah..?" You said looking on your palms, "I-i think so...?"

She gripped your shoulders, "Your a human!"

"....Y-y-yeah...." you said

She took a small breath and closed her eyes slightly. She frowned slightly.

"You poor dear...." she whispered almost inaudible, "Come with me."

She turned and began to walk away. You looked at her back then rushed towards where you had placed flowey. You picked him up and ran after the goat like woman. You puffed a breath as you arrived at her side. You looked up at her slightly, she looked down at you from the corner of her eye. Something swirled in the crimson depths of her eyes which caused you to look down, you couldn't understand why.

You continued to follow her down many different tunnels in dead silence. You were slowly growing more threatened just in her presents. Flowey was strikingly silent through this whole journey.

"Welcome to the Ruins, human, there are many traps here, they kill the weak." She cast her gaze down at you, "I will help you through them, but if you fail I will let you die." She said and continued on her explanation, it sounded much like a threat than a warning.

You followed her into an open area. You took a glance around seeing that the whole room was covered with spikes with alarmingly red edges and tips.

"Welcome to the first test." 

Ha, Ha, Nice Try. (Discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum