I put on my shoes and helped Alex with her shoes and the three of us left.


"I was going to say he looked cute but to be completely honest, he looks like a potato right now," I laughed.

"Of course you would say that," Taytum laughed.

"I'm sorry, but he does at the moment."

"You're such a great friend," she said smiling.

"I know," I said. "If I wasn't I would still be sleeping."

"You're only here because I'm a great friend," Jack said.

I put my pointer finger to my lips and made a shh sound. "They didn't have to know that."

Jack laughed. Alex was sleeping in one of the chairs on the other side of the room on Jack Johnson's lap. As soon as she saw him she freaked out. She loved him so much, they were like best friends. Jack sat down on one of the chairs and I sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder; I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I closed my eyes, hoping to get more sleep than I currently had.


I woke up to the sound of a nurse walking into the room.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to us. I just nodded and layed my head back down. This wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but the only other option was the floor. If it wasn't comfortable for me I couldn't even begin to think how Jack felt.


I felt Jack trying to move underneath me and I lifted my head up. "I'm sorry," I told him, standing up and streching.

"You were fine. I just had to adjust before you fell off," he smiled.

Everyone was still asleep, since it was only 6 a.m I didn't see why anyone would be awake.

"I'm going to go home and shower. Want to come?" Jack asked.

"Are we just going to leave Alex here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He looked over at her and shrugged. "Yeah."

"Okay, let's go," I smiled.


As soon as he shut the door, Jack pushed me against the wall and pressed his body against mine and sucking on my neck.

"I have a feeling you didn't leave to take a shower," I smirked.

"We still can," he said and I felt his hot breath against my skin.

"Well let's go then," I said, moving away from him and pulling him up the stairs to the bathroom.


"Where were you two?" Jack Johnson asked as we walked back into the hospital room.

"Home, showering," I said, smiling at Jack.

"Oh. I get it," he nodded.

"When do you get to leave this place?" I asked.


"Were we even supposed to be in here last night?" Jack asked.

"I have no idea. But it's too late now," Taytum shrugged.

"True," I said, joining the conversation.

"And I'm sure you're going to do it again until I get to leave aren't you?" Taytum asked.

Jack and I looked at each other and shrugged. "Probably."


A day later and Taytum was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Jack and I decided we should leave them alone for a while and went back to our house.

Us (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now