She is just perfect

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"What's on your mind?"

Tzuyu came out of her thoughts with a start to find Chaeyoung facing her with a raised brow. She had stopped massaging a while ago, too lost in thought to realize that Chaeyoung had moved from under her hands. Tzuyu shook her head to clear it off and met the curious eyes of her friend before asking, "You can't guess?"

Chaeyoung grinned at that and guessed, "Sana unnie?"

Tzuyu grinned in return and sighed. "That and something more."

Chaeyoung frowned in distaste before groaning, "Don't tell me its about me and Mina unnie."

"When are you going to be sure?" Tzuyu asked instead of answering.

Chaeyoung groaned in annoyance before tumbling onto her bed. "I don't know ok? It isn't easy damn it."

She felt a solid pat on her legs, probably an attempt at giving comfort, before Tzuyu suggested, "It's easy if you quit doubting your feelings."

Chaeyoung turned to face the ceiling then and muttered, "How can I not doubt it? I have never felt it before and I sure as hell know that it isn't something I can just make a half assed guess on."

Tzuyu just stayed silent letting her talk it out. That was one of the things her members always said they liked about her. She just let people figure it out by themselves by talking it out loud.

Chaeyoung continued still deep in thought, "She matters to me. A lot. And I know she is hurting because of my indecisiveness but I cant just rush this. I don't want to mistake this for something it isn't. I don't want to break her heart by later on realizing that I never felt that for her."

After a beat of silence Tzuyu couldn't help but point out, "It's been two years already. You have had enough time to figure it out."

Chaeyoung turned her gaze on the girl then and asked, "And when did I have the time? With the comebacks the practices and... "

Tzuyu nodded. They didn't talk about what had happened before. It was just one of those memories that they never wanted to relive again.

Chaeyoung looked up at the ceiling again then and muttered, "I have been pushing it to the back of my mind for so long now. I didn't try to really analyze it before, because I was happy with the way things were. It was so easy living the way it is instead of making decisions that might change everything." As she frowned over it she sat up and looked at Tzuyu's calm eyes and confessed, "I am scared of losing her. I am scared of losing what we have right now. And I am scared that I will let the fear decide things for me."

Tzuyu looked into her eyes and saw the confusion, frustration and fear running through them. And she could understand that fear. Had felt it herself. So she smiled in support and gave her friend's hand a comforting and supportive squeeze. "Then try right now. Things are more calmer now. So do your best to figure it out."

"I am trying." Chaeyoung grumbled before continuing, "Just answer me this one thing. How did you know you were in love with Sana unnie?"

Tzuyu smiled instantly then, thinking about the one girl who could make her eyes shine in happiness, and looked at Chaeyoung with humor in her eyes, "She just pestered me till I figured it out."

Chaeyoung giggled at that. It was the truth after all. Sana had actually pestered her till she had one day just shouted, "I do OK?"

Of course then Sana had refused to believe her which had resulted in Tzuyu trying to convince her. Talk about role reversal.

But that wasn't what Chaeyoung needed to hear, "She just pestered to get it out of you. I am sure you figured it out way before you said it."

Tzuyu sighed at that. "You guys just know me too well." Chaeyoung just gave her hand an impatient tug and Tzuyu continued, "I realized it when I tried to find a flaw in her, something that would make me not fall for her."

Chaeyoung looked at her confused.

So Tzuyu explained grudgingly, "I realized I was falling for her way before she did. I would just find myself staring at her and smiling, then wishing to be with her all the time. It came to a point where I just couldn't let her out of my sight." Remembering that feeling she shook her head ruefully, "I was scared shitless. She was a hurricane. She just wasn't something I had planned on. She just happened. And I couldn't deal with it. So I tried to think up things that I really find annoying about her. I tried to find flaws that would stop that horrible fall."

Chaeyoung looked at her feeling a bit of relieve that she wasn't the only one who got scared with this type of feelings.

Tzuyu sighed and met her eyes as she muttered, "But the weird thing was I couldn't find any. No matter how hard I thought about it I couldn't find a single thing wrong about her. I just realized then that I was in love with her."

Chaeyoung looked into her eyes then, confused, and muttered, "So it's love when you think that... "

"She is just perfect." Tzuyu finished for the girl. Smiling at the confused face she ruffled her hair before saying, "Sleep on it. You will think better with a rested brain."

Chaeyoung nodded with a tired sigh and just tried to follow her advice and sleep on it.

Tzuyu walked out of her room and into her own to join the girl sleeping in her bed. She put her arm on her slim waist and pulled her a little closer. Sana, in her sleepy state, turned to face her and hugged her, cuddling up to her before sleepily muttering, "Where were you?".

Tzuyu just pulled up the blanket and whispered, "No where love. Go to sleep again." Sana mumbled something before falling silent, something she usually did when too sleepy. Tzuyu smiled amused at her and then murmured softly, "I love you Sana."

And Sana smiled in her sleep before whispering back, "I love you too Tzuyu."

They slept the with their arms around each other and a smile on their faces.

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