Chapter 19 - a wedding and a funeral (the end)

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Third person (POV)

The wedding

A month had come and gone and Zee was getting worse and worse. She never came out of bed anymore and she was getting thinner by the minute. She tried taking chemotherapy but because of how far along the cancer had advanced by the time she tried it, it was too late. Castiel was by her side morning and night and Dean Winchester was by his side throughout it all. The twins, Gabriel and Balthazar stopped playing pranks and tricks on everyone and was always sat there glumly. Gabriel had proposed to Sam and Zee wanted to go to their wedding so they said they would make it as soon as possible so she could go to it. She payed for everything and had already written her will for all her money, belongings and businesses would go to Michael. He had promised her that he would share it between her other brothers and sister and that is what he was planning on doing when she finally died.

Sam and Dean never left the Collins' side throughout the whole thing and it was just as heart breaking for them as it was to any of the others. Zee was like a sister to them as well and it hurt so much to see her leaving them. Cas had cried himself to sleep almost every night knowing that time was nearly up for her but Dean was there to hold him, telling him that he was never letting go. Everything was okay between the two of them now, they had gotten past their bitterness and anger at each other and was now just being there for each other through thick and thin. Dean hated to see Cas so upset and knowing that there was nothing he could do to help him or make him smile. He hadn't smiled in about 2 weeks but he knew that maybe in a few weeks, months or even years that Cas would revert back to his old self, Dean didn't mind which old self he reverted back to he just wanted Cas to smile again and not feel any more pain but he knew that for now he just had to be patient with him and kind towards him.


The day of the wedding came quickly and it was only family and close friends invited. Zee had to come in a wheelchair which she was bitching and moaning about throughout the whole service which made everyone laugh.

"I don't need a fucking wheelchair! I can walk GODAMNIT!" She had shouted

"Well walk then." Paulie had said to her seriously but as soon as she had tried to stand she fell back in the chair again. "Stop complaining."

"Shut up Paulie." She grunted and mumbled under he breath about running him over

"I heard that." This quickly shut her up and she grinned mischievously at him. Gabriel was stood at the alter smiling like a goon bag when the doors finally opened to reveal Sam in a white tuxedo (sort of like when Lucifer possessed Sam in supernatural when Dean went into the future and saw him-- you know what I mean) Gabriel was wearing a black tux with a white tie and Sam in the white tux with a black tie. They looked perfect for each other and everyone laughed at how far Sam had to lean forward when the vicar said you may now kiss your husband.

"Midget!" Dean had cried

"Fatty!" Gabriel shouted back which made everyone go into hysterics, even Castiel which felt good to Dean because it was the first time he had seen him smile in a long time. When the wedding was finally over and the reception began Dean leaned into Castiel and whispered,

"I want this"

"What?" Cas had said back obviously confused

"I want to marry you Castiel." He dragged Cas to the now deserted courtyard of the hotel and got down on one knee, he pulled out a ring from his jacket pocket and said four simple but the most important words he will ever say in his life. "Will you marry me?" Cas burst into tears and knelt down in front of Dean hugging him close

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