Chapter 14 - broken promises

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Cas (POV)

I had never felt this way about anyone in a long time. Every time I thought about him I just got butterflies in my stomach. I had no regrets about breaking up with Danny because now I had Dean, perfect beautiful Dean. The only problem was I had no knowledge on him what-so-ever. I didn't know anything about him and I made it my mission to get to know more about him. I was sat in a bar having drink after drink when a small skinny brown haired girl glided over to me confidently.

"Hey handsome." She grinned and I turned to look at her.

"Hey gorgeous" I returned the compliment.

"What's you're name?"

"Castiel, and yours?" I grinned

"Well Clarence, the names Meg Masters," I looked at her confused and tilted my head to the side.

"Clarence?" I ask and she just shrugs to I blow the nickname off. "So what brings you over to me?"

"Well, I saw trouble written all over you," she leans in "I like trouble."

"Well you've come to the perfect person." I growl lustfully taking another gulp of my drink.

"I thought so."

"Wanna get out of here?" I slur and she nods eagerly. I grab her hand and take her out of the bar and into the cold night air. What was I doing? A moment ago I was just thinking of the most perfect man and now i was dragging a girl to my house. Why? Who knows, all I am thinking at this moment is I was horny and the girl was fit.


"Hey Cas you in there?" Dean walks in while I'm in the middle of kissing the girl underneath me who I had completely forgotten the name of already. He gasps when he sees me and I look up at him guiltily.

"Hi Dean." I manage to croak out and he looks at me angrily.

"How... Why Cas?" He mutters tears threatening to fall before turning around and stomping out the room.

"Who was that?" The girl snickers and I climb off her sitting on the edge of the bed.

"A- a friend." I say shamefully and she laughs.

"You mean boyfriend?"

"Why does it matter?" She shrugs and grins.

"It doesn't to me." She says seductively placing a hand on my shoulder but I shrug it off.

"You're a slag, get out." I growl and she scoffs at me.

"I may be a slag but I'm not the one cheating on my boyfriend you fag." I got angry at her choice in words and grabbed her arm and pulled her out if my bed throwing her clothes at her.

"Get out!"

"Whatever Clarence, call me when your relationship goes down the shitter, oops, it already has." She laughs evilly before turning on her heel and walking out of the room. I sigh and sit back down on the bed. What have I done? I ruined it. I ruined something that never even began to blossom yet. Why was I like this. I didn't want to be like this anymore and with that I ripped my piercings out of my ears, mouth and nose and chucked them in the bin. I also grabbed all my clothes that I wear now and threw them away as well, crying as I did so. I grabbed a random coat from the door and was about to throw it when I realise what coat it is. My old trench coat and it gives me an idea.

Dean (POV)

"I just walked in on him on top of some girl." I explain to Zee who was sat up in bed reading.

Fallen Angels || Destiel High School AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें