Chapter Two - That new kid

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Castiel (POV)


"NEVER! HAHAHAHA!" I woke with a start to the comotion going on downstairs. After taking a shower and getting ready i went down to see what was going on. Gabriel and Balthazar were chucking Michaels briefcase to each other while Michael was trying to catch it from the air. The younger twins were laughing there head of while Anna was trying to hide a smile and Zandriel was leaning on the doorway to room shaking her head.

"BOTH OF YOU PACK IT IN RIGHT NOW!" Michael screamed, going bright red in the face.

"We're only messing Mike." Balthazar smirked handing back his briefcase. Michael snatched it out of his hand and stormed out of the house before everyone burst out laughing.

"Michaels changed." Uriel said sadly while his twin, Raphael nodded in agreement.

"He hasn't changed." Zandriel said kindly going over to them and putting her arm around them. "Gabe and Balth are just annoying little shits."

"OI!" Gabe shouted with a look of fiegned shock on his face. I sighed and walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. My life was just the same shit but a different day. The only time i am ever happy was at home and now i dont even feel the slightest bit of amusement went the older twins do something stupid or get excited when Anna starts talking to me about fit boys in her class like i used to when my family first found out i was gay.

When they all found out they were so accepting of it. There was shock and a bit of mockery from my brothers and a knowing smile from my sisters but everything seemed to go perfectly. However when Lucifer found out everything changed. He used to be my favourite brother and we used to do everything together but when he found out... well it just stopped. He never did anything about it, never called me names or pushed me around. I could have coped with that. No, instead he started completely ignoring me. Blocking me out and putting up a wall against. However i think that was because the way he found out was a lot worse then how the others found out. He caught me and his best friend in my room together kissing and just stood there looking at us with utter shame and humiliation etched across his face. Ever since that moment, nothing has been the same. I lost a best mate and a brother that day.

"Cas you okay? You sort of zoned out there for a moment?" Zandriel said suddenly coming into the kitchen. I sighed and nodded before grabbing the keys of the table and going to sit in the car waiting for the others. I was one of those people that overthinked and got myself upset over it. I so wished i could be one of those people who is aloof and doesnt care what people think about them. I wished so hard that i could be strong to beat the bullies and brave enough to confront my brother but im not. And i never will be.

Dean (POV)

"I DONT CARE!" I shouted at my dad.

"Dean..." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"NO! Look, this new school is shit! Fake kids, fake teachers, fake school!" I gritted my teeth in frustration. It was my first day at another new school yesterday and it was just the same as any other. Too easy to get into the popular group of friends, too easy to make the class laugh and the teacher blow up. I needed a challenge.

"Listen boy, you're gonna be in the school for the rest of the school year so you may as well suck it up." Replied dad rolling his eyes.

"Just because Sam wanted to finish the school year in one place didnt mean i did. I would have been happy just working on baby!"

"You spend way to much time working on that peice of crap car Dean. Sam's right, you both need to finish your education."

"You always take Sammy's side!" I whined. I know i was being childish but i was so bored of being at school. Everyone was always the same.

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