Chapter 16 - Betrayal

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Castiel (POV)

I couldn't breathe, I think I was having a panic attack. I had walked out of the house and was now sitting on the pavement a few blocks down clutching my knees to my chest breathing rapidly in and out. Tears were streaming down my face and a lump was caught in my throat. How could he do this to me? How could he not tell me? Was it really him? Questions kept running through my mind and I wanted and explanation. I stood up angrily and stomped back to the house. I opened the door and walked into the living room to find them all still stood there were I left them.

"Hi Ca-" Zee was going to say but I cut her off.

"You stupid bastard! How could you not tell me?!" I screamed in his face and he flinched away.

"I-I-" he stuttered

"T-t-today junior!" I mimicked him angrily.

"Calm down Castiel!" I heard Charlie cry and I turned to her.

"I will deal with you lot later! Fake Dean? How pathetic!!!" I turned back to Dean. "And you! You little son of a bitch! I hate you so fucking much!" I push him and he stumbles, the coffee table preventing him from falling.

"Cas!" He shouts.

"No! I don't wanna hear it! I just wanna go home!" I cry falling to the floor. "I just wanna go home." I say quieter this time almost whispering. I feel an arm on my shoulders and look to to did Zee looking down at me sadly.

"You knew didn't you?" I ask sniffling and she just nods her head silently. "How could you not tell me? You're supposed to be my big sister."

"It wasn't my secret to tell Castiel." She murmured and I looked down at the floor, letting her pull me up. "We are going home." She then dragged me out the room and through the doors and out the house.

"Breathe Cas, you're having a panic attack." She says calmly turning to me.

"Of course I'm having a panic attack! He LIED TO ME!" I shouted in her face and she just stood there and took it. "How could he?!"

"If you calmed down and started breathing you might have given him the chance to tell you." She scolds.

"I feel so betrayed Zee." I cried and fell into her arms. She hugged my tightly and led me to the car.

"It's okay Cas, you can be as angry as you like for now but at some point you're going to need to control it and listen to what Dean has to say."

Dean (POV)

I looked around the room at Castiel's 'friends' in disgust.

"I hope you're happy with yourselves." I scoff. "Oh and if I ever hear that you're pretending to me ever again I'm going to shoot you in the fucking head."

"I didn't realise that was going to happen." Squeaked Danny from the corner.

"No, things don't always worked out as they are planned but you got what you wanted. Cas is now out there with a broken heart because of you!"

"Me?! You're the one that didn't tell him who you really where!" Danny shouted trying to defend himself.

"What I do has nothing to do with you. I had my reasons for that, but what reason did you have trying to break that boys heart. You're sick in the head, the whole lot of you. And Charlie, I expected better from you"

"Dean, I didn't want to go along with it." Charlie says tears springing to her eyes.

"If you didn't want to, why did you?!"

"Because he's changed! You don't realise how much he has changed. He's not the Cas we used to know. He sleeps around and cheats. He is a bully Dean! He bullies people to get what he wants!"

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