Chapter 37- Get your man

Start from the beginning

I stop moving and I realized I was breathing heavy. I looked at him in the eyes and never hated anyone even more. I can't believe that I was his blood and he treats me like this. Where did everything even go wrong. I start to get my breathing back but the men still have a tight grip on me.

"Kidnap me all you want but I know my boys are going to find me." I smirked.

"You sure about that?" he smiles evil puling out his phone.

He goes through it for a moment and clicks a few buttons. He turns the phone around and I look away for a moment since he had the brightness all the way up in a dark room. I slowly turn my head to the screen and focus my vision on it. I look at the screen in shock. I blink a few times and glance up at Keith at the same time.

"No." I say barely above a whisper.

"Oh yes." he smiles.

On the screen was Ryder, Ivan, and Emilio chained up in a cage. They all were beaten badly and barely moving. They look so weak. I did this to them. I decided to run away instead of staying to make sure they were okay. This is all my fault how could I be so selfish.

"No one is going to save you Dallas." Keith says shutting off his phone and putting it in his pocket.

"Why is this happening?" I say more to myself but I guess everyone heard.

Keith comes closer and laughs. He bends down and comes face to face to me. You could smell his disgusting cigarette breath. It made me made me want to throw up. Smoking is disgusting and I don't understand how people do it.

"Well Dallas. Everything happens for a reason. Get use to it." he smirks.

I can feel my eyes go dark and the anger in me rises. I could only think of one thing to do. I spit on him. He chuckles a little bit and wipes off the spit with his hand. He wipes the spit on the carpet and looks back up at me. He has something different in his eyes. I couldn't tell what it was either.

"Now that is no way to treat your father." he says in a weird tone.

"You are not my father." I stated.

"Well if we are going to play that game then I guess I have no choice but to punish you." he stands up tall and I move my head to look up at him.

"What are you going to do?" I say angrily.

"You'll see." he says. Within then next second he draws back his leg and kicks my straight in the nose. Everything then goes black.

I then immediately sit up and start breathing extremely heavy. I put my hand on my heart and look around. I touch my head and notice i'm sweating a lot. I turn around and look at my pillow to see that it drenched in sweat. I stare at the wall in front of my and attempt to control my breathing.

It just wasn't working. The next thing I knew tears started to flow out of my eyes. I was having a breakdown and I couldn't stop it. I cried and cried. I huddled into a little ball and just sobbed. I didn't care how loud I was being right now. I just wanted everything to go back to normal. The way things use to be.

I reach to my side but I grabbed nothing. I forgot I didn't bring Fluffy. Fluffy always kept me going. When I was about 10 years old I bought him myself. I took money from my mom's wallet and went out to buy him for my birthday. Every since that day I never let him leave my side. Even though fluffy was a stuffed animal but he was my world. Every time my dad would abuse me I would run up to my room and cuddle with Fluffy and cry. Now he is home. All alone and I really want him right now.

Home is where I wanted to be right now too. If I could even consider it a home. I was afraid of going back their. Afraid that my parents would be back. Everyday after school I would drive by my house to see if their were any cars out front but there was never any. I didn't know what I would do if they ever came back. My life would go to more shit than it already is.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now