Chapter 10- Dates and Fires

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Circus- Britney Spears

It was now Tuesday morning. I never set my alarm last night so I woke up around 7ish. I felt like the flash getting ready for school this morning. I literally had to go Vin Diesel in order to get to school on time.

I walked into the school literally all unorganized. I was low key stressed out but it was over nothing. I took deep breathes and headed to my locker.

As I walk to my locker I notice everyone looking at their phones and laughing. Some people look at me and wave at me. Some would make comments about how clever I was. What is up with everyone today?

I slowly came up to my locker. I put my hand on the lock and started to twist it. When I turn it to the second number a loud voice comes up from behind me.

"Hey, Dallas right?" I turn around to be met with a pair of green eyes.

I look at his face and realize it's the captain of the baseball team, Tyler Walker. Why is he talking to me?

"Uh yeah, that's me." I say rubbing my hands on my pants.

"I loved that prank you pulled yesterday. It was even funnier to watch it over and over again. Classic stuff." he says smiling

What is he talking about watching it over and over again.

"Wait what do you mean by watching it over and over again?" I asked.

"Last night you posted the video of the prank you pulled on Emilio." he says pulling out his phone to show me.

OOOOHHHH. I finally register everything now. I guess I was just too focused on getting to school and stuff to forget about the video. Whoops.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." I chuckle

"Classic stuff. Anyways I have a question." he puts his phone in his pocket.

"Which is?" I pull my eyebrows together.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out this Friday night?" he smirks

Did Tyler Walker just ask me out?

I tilt my head in slight confusion. I open my mouth to respond but he beats me to it.

"Not like a date because some of my friends are going to be there. We're going to this street fight at the West ring. It can be a date if you want it to be though." he whispers to me

Huh. Going to a street fight at the West ring. I mean I could see Emilio fight again. That would be fun to watch. Eh why not?

"I'm down." I smile

"Really?" he looks at me in shocked

"Yeah I mean I have nothing else planned so why not?" I shrugged.

"Alright sweet. I'll give you my number later." he says

"Alright. I'll see you Friday night!" I wave him off

He waves back at me and walks away. I turn back to my locker and begin to open it all the way. This time nothing comes spilling out my my locker. Thank god though because I didn't want to have to drive all the way home to change.

I grab all the things I need and put all the stuff I don't need in my locker. Once i'm finished I shut my locker. I put on the lock and shut it making sure it doesn't unlock.

I walk down to my first period which is gym. I'm about half way there when suddenly I feel a hand on my forearm dragging my into a closet. The janitors closet.

With in one swift moment the door was slammed shut and my body was slammed against the wall. I was about to yell for help but a hand covered my mouth before I could.

I Punched Emilio MartinezDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora