Chapter 30- Went after her

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Sweater Weather- The Neighborhood

Emilio's POV

That's what I did. I ran to her. I needed to talk to her. She needed to know the truth. I ran all the way to her house. Block after block, street after street, I ran. Nothing was stopping me from talking to her.

After about 10 minutes of running I finally reached to her house. I stopped in front of it and just stared at it. I put my hands on my knees and bent over breathing heavy. Sweat was drippy down my face but I didn't care.

I stood back up and looked at her house once again. I needed a plan. If I knocked on the front door she might not hear it or could possibly ignore it. She could also be simply sleeping right now too.

I wonder my eyes around the house to look for any other entrance to get to her easier. Finally an idea popped into my head. I rushed to the side of her house. Once at the side I looked up and see her window was on the second floor.

I remember the first time I was here. I was told that this was the address to the leader of the Devils. When I found Dallas I was completely confused and that had me questioning everything.

Why did the address lead me to her house? When I looked around the house I couldn't find anything. It made me think that she was hiding something from me but it's Dallas and she is like a sweet angel.

Well that's what I thought up until she punched me in the face on the first day of school. man she had a powerful punch. Guess I made her really mad.

Okay back on track now. I look around to see if there is a way to get to her window. To my right I spot an escape ladder and quickly rush over to it. I begin climbing up until I hit the top.

Hoping and praying that her window is unlocked I slowly but carefully lean over to reach it. I press my hands up against the frames and slowly push up. I sigh in relief due to the fact that the window was unlocked. Man she needs to start locking up her house.

I push the window fully open and put my hands on the ledge. I push off of the ladder and balance myself on the window sill. I slowly crawl inside the window and soon land on her floor, hard.

As soon as I landed I made a loud thump and quickly got up to see if I woke her up. I release the breathe that I was holding and close the window. Once the window was closed I head over to Dallas. She was sleeping peacefully but had a mad look on her face.

I turn to my right and see that her TV is on and she was watching Full House. I look back at Dallas and got a better look of her. Her cheeks were tear stained and her cheeks were red. Did I make her cry?

I feel like a such a dickhead. I can't believe I put her through all of this. She doesn't deserve it. I should've changed something or at least tried to tell her what was going on. She was also going to tell me something but Cadence blew it all.

I take a deep breathe and sit next to Dallas. I wasn't really sure how to wake her up either. I really didn't want to wake her up but I really had no choice. I then began shaking her and calling out her name until she woke up.

She groaned a little bit and squirmed around in the bed. I shook her a little bit more and she started to stretch a little bit. She went back to the position she went in and cuddled into her blankets more. I went to go shake her again but a voice interrupted me.

"Whoever you are, leave now before I kick your ass." I hear Dallas say.

"Dallas it's Emilio." I say softly.

"Exactly, leave now before I kick your ass." she answers.

"Look please let me explain." I pleaded.

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