# 21: first 'I love you'

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When you got nervous, you got furious and would take it out from everyone. You didn't do that on purpose, you tried to control your anger, but right now you were mad and wanted to be alone. Your nervousness was caused from the love for your boyfriend Niall. It was freaking too early for an 'I love you' but you couldn't control yourself. He gave you everything, every feeling you never had. Even though you were afraid to be with him, he took everything slow and never rushed you. He never put pressure on you and seriously took care of you. He treated you like a princess. And right now, you treated him like he was nobody, screaming and yelling at him, "Why are you so mad?", Niall yelled, his accent thick. "Because I want to be mad! Is that a crime!", Niall shook his head, "No, it isn't. But you have no right to yell at me without any reason. Tell me what I did wrong so I can do it right.", he tried to say calm but it was Niall we were talking about. "Do you really want to know why I am mad? Are you sure you want to hear it?!", you poked his chest with your finger. "YES!", he screamed. He pulled your wrists to his chest and slammed you against the door behind you. "I. LOVE. YOU!!", you felt weak. What if he ran away? What if he thought you were obsessed with- "I love you too.", he whispered, pulling you out of your horrible day dream. "Huh?", he chuckled down at you, kissing your forehead. "I am not running away and neihter are you. You can't get rid off me so easily", he kissed you again. "Now, let's watch a movie while I tell you between every sentence in the movie how much I love you.", you couldn't help but nod at him.


"Hey, Louis.", you greeted your boyfriend as he opened the door to his house for you. "Hey babe.", he smiled at you, kissing your cheek. You blushed. "Will be there a time where you will not blush when we touch?", he joked and you punched him in the arm, hurting yourself in process. "Ow, Louis.", you moaned. "Nawh, baby! Lemme make it up to you.", he cooed, kissing your knuckles. "Okay okay. Enough lovely shit. Where is the food?", you joked this time. Louis bursted out laughing. You both eventually sat down, after you fought with your jacket and ate the dish, Louis made for you. "Louis, this is delecious. I didn't know you could cook that good.", you priased him as you took another bite of the juicy steak and rice me made for the both of you. You were seated in the kitchen as you heard something smash to the ground wich startled you. "W-what was that?", you asked Louis who seemed to be nervous. "I- It's nothing...Harry's cat is here. He wanted me to watch him.", he told you with an uneasy voice. Just as you were about to ask him anything, "Shit!", and another crash errupted from the hall. Instantly, you stood up and ran towards the hall to see Harry clutching his foot in his hands, "Harry? What are you doing here?", he looked at you with an shocked face, "I- my cat! Right, my cat was here with Louis and I came to pick him up.", "Where is he?", "Who?", you rolled your eyes, "Your cat, Harry." "Ugh, it's useless, Harry. It's okay, just go home.", Louis spoke up from behind you. When Harry left, you turned to Louis, who put his hand over your mouth, "Don't speak until I am done. I- I realised that I- that I have feelings for you, Y/N. I- I think I love you.", he whispered and you began to cry. "Too much?", he sounded like he regreted it. You shook your head, "I love you too.", you whispered, hugging him close to you.


"Mum, I don't know what to do anymore? Is it wrong? What if he leaves me? Or if he finds someone better. I can't just tell him that- that you know...", you watched the door of yours and your boyfriend, Zayn's door to make sure he isn't there. You confessed to yourself the love to Zayn and you were afraid. Your mum didn't made anything better, "Hun, I know you are scared but this isn't going to be better if you never tell him. What if he thinks you don't love him? You are together for over a year now.", you groaned, hitting your head against the back of the couch, "Either you tell him and find out the truth or you don't and make it for you and him more difficult. And stop hitting your head against the couch. I have to go now. I love you.", you mumbled a quiet I love you to your mum before hanging up. Your heart beat raced up when you heard the door opening, you peeking up from the couch at the door. Zayn put his keys in the bowl, hanging up his jacket before walking over to the couch. "Babe? What are you doing there?", he chuckled at you, secretly finding it cute. You gripped your shirt tightly in your hands and closed your eyes tightly, "Zayn, I love you. I mean I really love you like the love of my parents, but not like you are my parent. You know, I love you like my partner and boyfriend and such.", you rambled loudly before opening your eyes hesitantly to see Zayn, his jaw dropped. His expression turned from shoked to excited, to happy. He laughed louldy and buried his face his your neck over the couch. "I love you too. Thank you so much. You don't know how much I waited for this.", he whispered. Silently, you thanked your mother for being right like everytime before you turned to your boyfriend, kissing his lips.


"So, what time do you have to leave?", you asked Harry. He was going on tour again you will miss him of course. And you were sad and your break down would be arrive any moment now. But you tried to hide it with a fake smile and a strong voice. Did it work? Well, almost. The smile lasted longer that your voice wich cracked, causing your boyfriend to swirl around to look at you where you were sitting on his bed. He was just packing his clothes when he heard your voice cracking, "Babe, no. What did I tell you about crying?", he scolded you, even though he was sad himself, leaving you by yourself. Your lip quivered as you began to cry into your palms and Harry rushed to your shaking body, taking you in his arms, "Love, don't do that. I will see you in 4 months. I will miss you too but I need you to be strong for me. I can't trust someone but you.", he told you, kissing your hair. It got even more to you since you realised that you loved him. It was the morning you awoke to say goodbye to your boyfriend for long painful 4 months. "Harry, I think I love you.", bawled even louder, you couldn't care about how embarassing you cried right now. You didn't hear Harry say anything until he chuckled into your hair, "And I think I love you too.", he emphasized think. Looking up at him, you saw him silently crying. He kissed your forehead, "I love you, Y/N.", "I love you, Harry."


You heard Liam calling for you where you were stirring the pasta for you and your boyfirend, Liam. "Coming!", you called out, turning off the stove. Because, last time you forgot to turn it off and you were outside the kitchen a bit too long. Wich caused your meal to burn. And you loved to cook and eat. Who would eat burned chicken alfredo? "What's up Lili?", you stepped into yours and Liam's bedroom to see Liam sitting on your guys bed with an concerned, maybe stressed expression on his face. "I- I need to talk to you.", he talked carefully. Oh God, you knew that this was coming! He was going to break up with you. You should've been more careful for whatever you did. "I am so sorry, Liam! Please don't break up with me! I will do better! I promise!", you cried, tears falling down your cheeks. "What are you talk- Wait a second. Just hear me out before saying aynthing!", Liam demanded. You whimpered slightly, nodding your head. " I noticed something changed between us. In fact, I wanted to tell you, I love you, Y/N. I am in love with you. I love you!", he told you loudly. You began crying again, this time it was because you were happy. You ran into his arms, wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your face in his chest. "I love you too, Liam.", you cried as you both held each other.


I am sorry for my bad english :(

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