Jinns Used To Meet Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)

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The holy Quran mentions about Jinn’s in "Surah The Jinn" coming to holy Prophet (pbuh), for embracing of Islam and he (pbuh) used to teach Islam to them, in their own respective languages. Therefore, Jinn’s are also included in the ummah of holy Prophet (pbuh).
Shaykh-ul-Islam said "Imam Jalal Uddin Suyuti narrates in Al-Qassayes-ul-Qubra and many other Islamic authorities reported in their books that "The Caliph Umer-e-Farooq (ra) narrates that "once, a very old man came to meet holy Prophet (pbuh), when he (pbuh) was staying in Makkah. The old man was speaking the language of Jinn’s (angel’s). Prophet (pbuh) asked him: "which tribe of Jinn’s you belong to?"
He replied: "I am the grandson of Iblees (Satan)." Prophet (pbuh) asked: "tell me your origin”
He replied:"My name is Ham, the son of Heem, he was the son of Lakhis and Lakhis was the son of Iblees (Satan)."
When Prophet (pbuh) asked about his age,
He replied: "I saw Qabeel (son of Adam (as)) murdering Habeel (son of Adam (as)); I was a kid at that time. I embraced Iman (the faith) of Ibraheem (as) and saw his people throwing him (as) into the fire, I tried to extinguish that fire. Then, I embraced Iman (the faith) of Moses (as) and he (as) taught me about the Torah (Gospel) .Finally, I embraced Iman (the faith) of Jesus (as) and he taught me about the Bible."
He further said: "O holy Prophet (pbuh), I have a message for you."
Prophet replied: "give me the message." He said: "Jesus (pbuh) said to me that 'after my demise, holy Prophet (pbuh) will come as the last Messenger of God (pbuh), to this world, you will be alive at that time and you will get a chance to meet him (pbuh). When you meet holy Prophet (pbuh), convey my salutations to him."
Prophet (pbuh) felt very happy on hearing this from Ham and thanked almighty Allah with tears of happiness in his (pbuh) eyes.
He (pbuh) said: "Peace be on you and my brother Jesus." Then Prophet (pbuh) asked Ham: "do you want anything from me?"
Ham said: "O Prophet (pbuh) I want to embrace Islam on your hand, please teach me some chapters of holy Quran."
Holy Prophet taught him 10 chapters of holy Quran."
After narrating this whole scenario, Umer-e-Farooq (ra) said:"after that day we never saw him again."

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