Chapter Twenty Five

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The sudden flare of sunlight just made it harder for Felicia to fall asleep. Her parents had left for work, once again, leaving her alone to the frowzy silence. Since yesterday, however, the constant doubt of whether she knew Jason well or not kept on replaying through her mind. Was her answer to her mother's question false? For the truth to be told, Felicia in fact, didn't really know Jason. Apart from his name and some apparent unspeakable actions he had done, she didn't really know he was. The sudden realization made Felicia feel naive to her surroundings. Maybe, Jason was right.

She really was innocent.

Her thoughts, however, were interrupted by the subtle thuds coming from the window. Her house was located on a basis of low elevation, therefore, it wouldn't have been a surprise if an invader was threatening to come inside through the windows. The likelihood of an unwanted stranger entering caused her to tense up, instantly. She carefully let the blankets cover her body, making sure it was inaudible, whatsoever. The infuriating thuds soon stopped causing her to peak through her blanket. Regardless, no one was visible. Shortly after, she was engulfed by the warmth of what seemed to belong to another person. The savoring odor immediately succored her to guess it was the one that had been on her mind, ever since. 

"I've missed you, princess." 

The voice she absolutely loved to hear filled her ears, relaxing every inch of her body, both internally and externally. His touch was soon all over her as he brought her towards himself, making sure the blanket was covering their divine inner sanctum. No, this couldn't be real, she thought to herself. The too-good-to-be-true prognostics of the situation just made her more vulnerable to it, entirely. But, it was real. It was all true and not in her head. He was present at the moment, right there and right beside her.

He was actually there. 

She quickly turned her head towards his direction, only to be pulled into a tender kiss, the minute she was facing him. The boundless sequence of butterflies once again erupted in Felicia's veins, the feeling she had missed for so long. The solicitude of the feeling of his lips had turned the days without seeing him into years of forgotten love. Forever came into view and so did love match as it's synonym. She pulled away from the kiss and took in his beloved sight. 

"How did you come—" Her question was cut of by his cliche, yet ludicrous answer. "You should really keep your windows locked, babygirl."  Felicia gasped at his answer. The thought of him putting in the slightest amount of hard work into their relationship happily quivered her heart. Little did she know, that the hard work was meant for a darker cause. The darkness which was too unlit to be seen by the luminous girl. "I've missed you,too." Felicia replied to his previous sentence, rather honestly. The two encouraged the tranquility filling, as they used it to take in each other's presence. 

However, the constant replay of the question Felicia's mother had asked her, the day before, bugged the every nerve present in her body. Yet, she didn't want to disturb the moment she was having with him, after a very long time. But, that meant that she would just be proving her answer to her mother's question wrong. And, she didn't want to let that happen. She truly wanted to get to know him. 

"Jason, tell me about yourself." She dared to ask. The sudden question only caused Jason to clench his jaws. Even at his epitome of tenebrosity, he still managed to look good, Felicia thought.  But, that wasn't the point, then. Jason removed his hands from her, almost instantaneously as he stood up straight. 

"There's nothing much to know about me." He spoke, indistinctly. His answer rose the sudden sense of trepidation in Felicia. What does mean by that? Her abiding inability to comprehend his answers frustrated her. "What do you mean there's nothing to—" 

She was once again cut off by Jason's blinding actions. He connected his lips to hers, but only managed to do it for a couple of seconds. No matter how addicting his lips were, Felicia pushed Jason away from the hold on his chest as she asked him again. "Please, Jason. I want to get to know you." She pleaded, really wanting to get an answer out of him. At this point, her suspicious conviction towards Jason only grew, but never once decreased. Wasn't she his girlfriend? And wasn't he her boyfriend?

"Jason, I'm sure you can tell me, I mean I'm your girl—" However, Jason didn't let her finish that sentence. To a greater extent, maybe that word. The word girlfriend. 

"I gotta go."  Before Felicia could even continue, Jason took off moments before as he was rapidly jumping out the window. Just as he was about to disappear from her sight, he mumbled something. "Keep the windows closed." Soon, he faded into the bright sunlight. The luminance of the sun rays caused Felicia to close her curtains, offering a sense of relaxation. Maybe, she was starting to enjoy the darkness. Was it because of him?

She was starting to fail in understanding his feelings towards. The way he'd give her the cold shoulder one time, yet care for her at the same time made her unaware to what was going around her. Her confusion was replaced by sadness in just a few seconds as she was starting to regret why she had even asked him that question in the first place. She felt like she had ruined their only few moments together. Did she?

Or did he, due to his extreme discretion?

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