Chapter Twenty Four

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The daylight sorrounded her room, yet somehow, the darkness appeared to acquire the atmosphere. Felicia fluttered her eyes open and was embraced by the unwelcoming and a rather negative aura. The unusual silence of the house filled her ears, bringing a minute ache in her heart. The absence of her father's jokes and her mother's joyful wake-up call made her feel as if she had been antagonized. Her body seemed to ache from both the physical and the mental pain caused. Each part of her body screamed an epitome of sadness. 

She heaved her body towards the washroom to freshen the pain away, but she clearly knew that wouldn't work. Once again, her mirror displayed a disfeatured piece of art which radiated sheer sombre. The bags under her eyes could not make it worse while her hair was completely besmirched. She closed her eyes, only to find the same darkness, the same pensiveness she was present in, untill now. 

The memories of him and her overflowed the darkness. Soon, the only thing she saw was his striking appearance. The possibility of seeing him again, dwindled with each image of him. His soothing voice which once comforted her, brought about a sense of impossibility. The impossibility of how she will seldom see his presence. 

The hot water soon took place of his solace and did a little something to her that only he could. As she let herself relax, the words of her mother and the way her father had started to treat her made her feel disgustingly guilty. What had she done that deserved such type of treatment? She asked herself that exact same question again and again. "I am the sin to this family." She said to herself, lowly and let her face dip into the deep within. 


Felicia's mom hastily packed herself and her husband some lunch. Lost in her thoughts, she accidentally dropped the fork which she had just washed back into the dirty sink. The minute the sound of the dropped fork rang through her ears, she broke down into tears. Her tied up hair soon turned into a subtle mess with her face in her hands. Moments later, she felt her husband picking her up from her knees and holding her towards him. 

"You should go talk to her." He said to the betrayed woman. After all, she was their daughter and as parents, it was their responsibility to check on their daughter. 

Or was it? 

Felicia's mom slightly nodded and made her way towards Felicia's room. She opened the door, narrowly, not wanting to give any signs or her being there. The sight in front of her after she had opened the door left her speechless and heartbroken. On the bed, lied her daughter lifelessly, her hair equally as messed up as the mother and her eyes were significantly baggy and puffy. She was staring into what seemed like space and was led astray by her overthinking. 


The sudden voice of her mother made Felicia turn her head towards the woman within a matter of milliseconds, her eyes once again, attaining a watery appearence. 

"Ma." Felicia spoke, not being able to find the correct words. The apology she didn't deserve to say. Her mother instantly scooted towards Felicia's bed and hugged her tightly. The two had immensely missed the mother-daughter affection they used to share with each other, almost every minute of the day. "I missed you so much, ma." Her mother reciprocated the words with her actions instead, giving her continuous kissed on the forehead of her daughter. However, though, Felicia's mother missed her daughter, she still knew she needed to have a talk with her. 

"Do you even know him well, Felicia?" 

Felicia removed herself from her mother's embrace and look at her eyes. The answer of what should've been quick, took longer than it had to. But, did she really know him well? Yes, I do, she thought to herself. But, herself and the mother both knew she didn't. All Felicia knew about him was the intuitive feeling. 

"Yes." She answered, regardless of both of them knowing what the answer was, actually. Her mother observed her facial expressions, intently and she knew it was a lie. Felicia broke their eye contact, not wanting to face her mother anymore. 

"You don't." 

Even though the truth was told, Felicia felt her blood boil at the words. 

"How do you—" 

She was cut off by her mother's piercing words. "I'm your mother, Felicia. Trust me, I know." 

That was the last sentence being spoke after their mother left her room. The question erupted a feeling of scepticism in Felicia. Did she really know him? 

HIM ♕ Jason McCann Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ