"Uh, yeah that was Andy" I lie, trying to hide the stress in my voice.

I glance to Harry, who has paused with his arms still outstretched, looking at me with a raise of his brow.

I'm considering throwing myself out of his window when a slow sly smirk pulls on to his lips.

Whatever is going through that brain of yours right now Harry - don't you dare.

"Oh wonderful, give him the phone, let me say hello to him" she says all chipper.


"Uh Uhm - uh he can't talk on the phone at the moment" I stutter, feeling all the colour drain from my face.

"Oh" I can already picture the dramatic pout on her face "Well at least tell him I said Hello"

I press my hand to my forehead, believing that the rate my heart is going is indicating an oncoming heart attack.

I look to Harry, silently pleading him with my eyes to not do whatever that fucking smirk means "Mum says hello"

He lifts his brows, his smirk turning into a lazy smile while his head is pillowed on his arms folded behind his head "Hey mum"

My shoulders relax, and I give him a silent thank you.

"Is he sick Abby? He sounds different" she asks, the frown evident in her voice.

"Uh - Yeah he has the flu" I blurt, cursing silently under my breath.

"Ow I hope he gets better soon the poor thing, ask him how he's been for me"

Typical of my mother, even though I said he couldn't talk on the phone, she always finds a way to get what she wants. For fuck sake.

I swear she likes him more than she likes her own daughter.

I press my lips together flatly, giving Harry a 'please help me' look "Mum wants to know how you've been?"

Harry turns his face to rest his cheek against his arm, looking up to me innocently "I've still been a massive pussy"

My jaw nearly dislocates from how fast it drops, and he scoffs out a laugh through his nose, pressing his lips together to try and hold it in.

"What was that?" my mother asks.

I grab the pillow behind me, smacking it over Harry's face "He said he's still been really busy" I squeak, the stress cracking my voice.

Harry's muffled cackles rumble through the pillow and I press it down harder.

"Always working so hard that boy is, you're lucky to have someone as driven as him Abigail, you could learn a lot from him" my mother praises, but I don't miss the underhanded insult she always manages to slip in.

"Yeah" I say through my teeth, glaring at Harry as he pulls the pillow from his face, grinning childishly at me with his messy curls sticking up all over the place.

"Look mum, I have to go, can I call you back later?" I plead, considering smashing my phone against the wall so I don't have to keep this up any longer.

"That's fine" she snips "Maybe you can fix your attitude by the time you call back"

I press my hand to my face, squeezing my eyes closed "Yes mum, I'm really sorry, I promise I'll call back later"

"You better" she warns "I'll speak to later Abigail, and for god sake don't let me find you waking up at this time of day again that's just pure laziness"

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