Chapter fifteen

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Every time I go visiting Amber who lives at the end of the Estate, I tend to feel like I'm going back in time thinking back to the days when I once lived here with my friends. We were young and happy until things went sour for Audrey and they moved out.

After they left, it felt as if a part of our lives had been ripped from the rest of us because the Estate which I used to love didn't feel so special anymore being that Audrey's house had become our meeting point after they moved in because of her handsome elder brothers that were fun to look at. In fact, almost all the girls in the Estate were secretly attracted to them so every one tried to make friends with Audrey but luckily for us, we were the only ones that could make it to the top of her friends list so we had free tickets visiting her and seeing her brothers any time we wanted and trust me, it was like being in the honours list

In a way, it was hard on the children of the Estate because their part Hispanic princes were gone but Personally, it was harder for me because Audrey who Jades bossy tentacles couldn't reach, and our new ring leader who could easily put Jade in her place had left leaving Jade to seem as if she's in charge again when deep down she knows I'm the boss. It was hardest on Jade who claimed to have been heart broken because her beloved Dominic had left her. We continued to visit yes, but it was different from being in the Estate with them.

Soon next Jade left and that worsened the situation of things for me because even though Jade is a lot, she still means a lot to me that's why when my dad bought our new house and moved us out, I felt liberated and happy to start a new life but I felt bad for Amber who was left alone and unable to move out of her fathers mansion. I still feel bad for her because she's remained lonely and its what drove her to looking for affections from older guys

I miss the good old days a lot but I love nowadays. our separation was like a test to our friendship because when two friends who were neighbours get separated, the friendship automatically ends most at times not to mention four but our friendship only grew stronger as we pledged to stick together no matter what. What sealed the deal is the code, and the fact that we attend the same school.

I sigh as Kai's truck passes by our former houses and I hear Jade sigh too because our line of thoughts are in the same direction. This is one of the few times that Jade and I are thinking the same thing because we never do.

We soon arrive at the gate of the gigantic white Grey mansion then Jade Holla's at one of the security guards or gate keepers in uniform that are standing by, to open the gate with her head out of the car window because they don't just let any one in except for familiar faces for security reasons.

As soon as we enter into the big front yard that has a shaded hammock close to a large pool, and artificial trees planted by the corners close to the fence, the gate gets locked again.

"Why bother closing the gate when I'm about to leave" Kai complains as he pulls over

"This is the mayors house so security is necessary" Jade explains "why don't you come in with us Kurt? Amber's a sweet girl and she'll like an extra company"

"Its Kai and Nope I'll just wait in the car"

"You're waiting?" I ask in shock and confusion

He shrugs "If you won't take long"

"No we wont" Jade hurriedly says and pulls me along with her towards the mansion "Let's go before he changes his mind"

"I don't want him to wait for us especially if we might be taking long" I say in protest

"I don't think we will and he isn't waiting for us, he's waiting for you" She makes clear flatly

"Why would you think that?"

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