Chapter seven

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 There's nothing like waking up in the morning with a good mood. You tend to feel so light headed, at ease, and so happy with the universe that things that literarily gets on your nerves suddenly doesn't bother you anymore. like your mom barging into your room without fully understanding the meaning of privacy, your little sister being silly and rude because she's still mad at you for yesterday, your parents trying to force so much bacon and eggs down your throat during breakfast because they want you to eat a lot and you can only eat a little, once again they're concerned about your health and are considering bringing you another shrink when they know that It doesn't work and that you're fine.  'oh parents' Even though he knows that your friends would pick you up, your dad still insists on driving you to school along with your sister because you're still his little girl. That's how I started  feeling the moment I woke up. The good mood was triggered from a good night sleep modified by a good dream which I don't even remember. All I know is that it had Owen in it and it was really nice. After all my memory lane is piled up as it is so adding my dreams to the list is impossible.
I'm in such a good mood that I decide not to query Jade over giving my contact out to some one without seeking my consent, and i also don't get mad when she starts smoking in the car which ought to have because I don't like that she smokes in the first place not to even mention smoking inside a car because obviously, its dangerous for her health and for the car, and for us in the car for inhaling it. Usually, I would also extend my wrath towards Amber who often stays quiet because she doesn't want to get on Jades bad side and wants peace to reign but I don't. Sure, Jade smokes but only when extremely pissed which is seldom because she hardly gets that way. such anger is only ever triggered by her strict mom because she's the only one on Earth who can bring out Jades inner rage. Oh mom's.

The headline at the moment is that her mom won't talk to her step dad to buy her a car because she considers her too irresponsible to Own one and not until she starts being responsible which is never,or out of her parents roof, will she get that car. Today, because I'm grateful to Jade, i sympathize with her to the point of saying that her mom is a bit too harsh when I always support her moms tactics and decisions all the time because they put a limit to Jades tentacles. It makes Jade go red rather than feel grateful as she knows me too well that i'm never on her side.
"what's wrong with you today? You didn't reprimand me for smoking or lecture about the eminent death waiting for me because i'm damaging my lungs and my brain, and now you're supporting me over my mother? "She demands

"What's wrong with that? " I ask "I'm simply in a very good mood"and at this point, I see black as white.

"Everything is wrong with it duh. And what triggered this good mood if I may ask? did you hit your head on the same thing that hit Amber's sick brain? because you're behaving like her"she winds down the window so that the smell of the cigar can go out as she's done smoking, before we get to school then she maneuvers the car recklessly  overtaking a car because the other car isn't fast enough. She does this often, forgetting that New York roads are always busy in the mornings and fast racing isn't advisable.

"Hey, how is my brain sick?" Amber asks sharply interrupting me from cautioning her to drive carefully

 "Your brain is wired upside down that's why i'm sure you we're meant to be a cartoon then the creator turned you human out of pity"

 "That's not a nice thing to say to your best friend" Amber grumbles sounding offended
 "Who said i'm nice sunshine?"

 "You're being mean to the owner of the car you're driving but I'll forgive you because you're mad at your mom" Amber always forgives easily

"I'm being nice to you and you're complaining and i thought that you wanted me to get off your back" I put in quietly

"Yes but not to be Amber nice about it. Its a lot to handle"

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