Chapter 2

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As Lisa, Hoseok, Chanyeol, and I all walked to Café A Lisa started to get a headache so Hoseok offered to take her home, and she took the offer. Now it was just Chanyeol and I.



I started to get this feeling in my stomach, it was like my stomach was putting on its own circus act. My palms started to sweat as Chanyeol's strong hand started to draw circles on my back as if he was trying to calm me down. Like he knew I was nervous. I loved the feeling of being in his arms. The warmth, the feeling of being accepted by someone. "I think I like you." I whispered to him but too quiet for him to comprehend what I had said. 

"Hm?" He had not known what I said thank God.

"O-Oh nothing." I quickly said and kept my eyes on the pavement as we neared the café together. 

I did like him... but I didn't want him to know. I didn't want to mess up the friendship we had. I don't want him to leave me. "For these reasons I'm not going to tell him."  I had talked myself into keeping my feelings hidden for friendships sake.

We walked into the café and I greeted my brother's boyfriend, Jin, while Chanyeol was looking for a place to sit. "Imma tell Joonie." Jin teased me. 

My cheeks turn a bright rose color as I try to hide my face and explain myself. "N-No, it's not like that. We are just friends."

"Just friends? Friends don't hold each other like that." My cheeks turn a deeper shade of rose, if that was even possible. "He likes you, Tae."

"N-No," you say waving your hand, "why would he like me. I'm too ugly and awkward."

"Don't say that! You're beautiful and I mean it."

"No you don't."

"You are beautiful" A deep voice comes from behind as you feel warm hands rap around your small-malnourished body.

You almost squeak as the words leave his mouth. You look to Jin who is just smiling nodding his head up and down. Chanyeol starts to walk you aver to the booth he found for us to sit at, all while not breaking the hug. Chanyeol finally broke the to allow Taehyung to slide into the corner of the booth. Chanyeol then slid in next to him. 

Taehyung ordered a water and Chanyeol ordered a S'mores milkshake. Their drinks came and they talked about random stuff. 

Taehyung eyed Chanyeol's half finished milkshake. Chanyeol notice, "Do you want some, its good."

"Oh, no thank you. I don't want it to make me fat."

"Oh shut up, you're not fat. You're perfect." Chanyeol pushed the drink towards him.

"Fine," I gave in. He made me forget how much I hated how I looked. He made me feel beautiful.

Once they were done with their drinks Chanyeol walked Tahyung home. He lives in an apartment with Jin and Namjoon so he just walked him to the elevator so to speak. 

Taehyung walked into the apartment and no one was there yet so he pulled out his phone and started to text Lisa about what had just happened. His heart fluttered as he recalled the incident. He sent the message but it seemed Lisa wasn't on he device at the moment because she wouldn't respond. He decided to take a shower to pass the time. 

I took off his clothes and stepped onto the scale and it read 129.5 pounds. I groaned as I stepped off of it and turned on the shower. I then averted his attention to the mirror where I looked at my body. My eyes started to water, "I'm so fat." I muttered before stepping into the shower. I regretted drinking the rest of Chanyeol's milkshake. He just made me feel so loved.


I know this had nothing to do with Taekook, but this chapter will help the future of the story, trust me. I apologize for this chapter being kind of short. UNEDITED!<3 

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