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This is my report on the new species discovered on our visit to the Earth's core, as commissioned by President Donald Trump of the United States of America. This expedition took a total of twenty-nine days, most of which were consumed by attempts to collect samples of the parasitic species I wish to discuss...

The man sighed as he checked the time. 5:43pm. Massaging his head for a moment, he continued writing, the sound of the keyboard clacking filling the small office. After a considerable amount of time, he started to feel drowsy, the bright of the screen the only thing keeping him awake.

...It is my belief that the parasite species Leucochloridium has evolved adequately to be classed as a separate species. During my studies, I have been referencing to this as Leucochloridium imperium dormit. This species has only made appearances in my laboratory where I have managed to create the perfect climate for the survival of the parasite. The optimal temperature is 36.8°C and the parasite is mostly energised by electricity...

Doctor Cooper Gabriels sighed and slumped over in his chair, head in hands, glancing in the direction of the only clock in his office. 11:37pm. Muttering under his breath, he dragged himself from his office and towards his bedroom - and stopped straight away when he heard a soft whimper from his daughter's room.

Mustering a small smile - this was the third time this week so far - he silently opened her door, and was greeted by the sight of a little tear-stained face looking back up at him with big brown eyes. The girl managed a small smile, but couldn't keep it up for long, and her exhausted father sat down on her bed with her, and took her teddy in his hands with a very forced smile.

"You know, Baloo will take care of you no matter what, he'll even make sure you're safe in all of your dreams too, darling." Gabriels only wanted to reassure his daughter, but she just looked up at him with big, sad eyes and hurriedly buried her face in his shirt, so that he wouldn't be able to see her cry.

After all, big girls don't cry.

She looked back up at him, picking up the hem of his shirt and using it to wipe her nose, and then whispering to him,

"I don't want to sleep daddy, the monsters are under the bed.." and she glanced towards the foot of the bed and scrunched herself into an even smaller ball, yanking her feet up onto the bed so she was curled up on it entirely. "I know it sounds silly Daddy, but I keep thinking they're gonna - they're gonna reach out from underneath the bed and grab me!"

"Okay, sweetie. Look, I'll check under the bed for you, alright?" He made a far bigger show than he needed to of checking underneath the tiny bed for 'monsters' before turning out the lights.

"Nothing's going to come for you, sweetie, there's nothing in this world or any other that Baloo and I can't protect you from. I do love you." And with one last smile, Doctor Gabriels closed the door on his daughter and turned out the lights, leaning on the doorframe for a moment before heading off to sleep himself. He didn't see his little girl lying terrified on her bed, scrunched up in her blankets and getting no sleep at all, because of her monsters. He only knew that he was going to sleep, and deep down he knew he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.

As he shut the door, he remained oblivious to a certain problematic parasite crawling down his legs. Its eyes glinted in the dark as the child formed a soundless scream.


Hey! This is a thing now?! To clear up confusion before we begin, in terms of authors notes,

This is Dia

This is Ria 

This is Lia

And this is Thia!

Here are our ANs, written separately but hey!

Welcome to our mess of a book. Hope you like it! Being honest here, might be a bit bad because we decided to write this a 2am at a sleepover. Hope you enjoy anyways. Lots of virtual hugs, Dia :)

Just to say from me that not all the scientific stuffs checks out in this, but just roll with it also hope u enjoy :)

Hiya you guys! Just a warning/note, all of us are writing at least one book on our separate accounts too (All books are linked if you wanna check them out) and I know that at least two of us are trying to write another two books on the side. The point I'm trying to make is that we probably won't get out updates all that often. Sorry for anyone who actually wants to read this like a normal person, because knowing us we'll probably get halfway through and then discontinue it, sorry about our overall uselessness lol.

Wish us luck! Happy smiles, from Lia

Right, in case you haven't got it yet, we aren't creative enough to have original protagonists so they're just crappy inserts but I love it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I swear we will try to finish this but we're kind of us so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Because we are in desperate need of characters- we have a grand total of seven and only two are wholly fictional- hmu if you wanna feature in this shitshow somewhere (maybe give us a couple of details? we need allies, enemies, rivals, the whole shebang, so PLEASE HELP WE ARE HOPELESS)

Bye bitches + dia,


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