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        Sometimes the college course we take isn't what leads us to our dreams. i know some of you were also pushed to make a choice. And that it has to be something to be taken for consideration. It's okay but it's hard. So I'll share:

        I myself love baking so much that but the course I am taking right now isn't related to it. Sometimes I'd wish that there was some way for me to learn. But if I were to take it to consideration I'd need the financial support plus there isn't any here in my city. I wanted it so badly, sometimes I'd blame myself for not earning or making a way but nevertheless I never forget that I could someday. I have to face what is in front of me right now at this moment. Nothing's wrong to dream and pray for it :) I may never know.

                There is always a way :)

                Dreams cannot be reached out today, but if you're really determined, you may not know in the future, it's never too late.

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