Chapter 4: Friends

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***Third persons point of view***

Her signature laughs echoes trough the studio, and this made the boys instantly freeze andshe said. "Well done annoying my company" Lisa said playfully glaring at Yoongi. He suddenly stepped closer to her and gave Lisa her notebook.

"If you ran a little bit slower three years ago, I would have given this back to you sooner. It is nice to finally know who's behind Mario all this year." Yoongi smiled while he bowed and stretch his arm for a hand shake.

Lisa was overwhelmed at how she felt comfortable with him. It usually takes time, but when she saw him, and she instantly felt relaxed. It was as if his whole being made her relaxed and when she instantly makes eye contact, she got the same feeling three years ago. That feeling of seeing those brown orbs, it's as she could see his soul trough those eyes. This made her nervous. Of what may come in the near future.

Lisa bowed back and was about to answer Yoongi's handshake. However, another hand suddenly took Yoongi's and received the handshake in her stead. Lisa turned around and saw Teddy furiously shaking Yoongi's hand and purposely squeezing it hard. Teddy immediately stared Yoongi from head to toe while giving him a look. Teddy raising his eyebrow as Yoongi squeezed his hand back. Teddy thought this kid got guts while giving Yoongi his devilish smirked.

Lisa frowned and ignored his childish act. "Thank you for giving this back, I thought I lost it. Now I owe you more for taking care of it"said smiling at him.

This Made Yoongi blush furiously, and for some reason he couldn't make eye contact. When he diverted his eyes, it landed on Teddy instead. Teddy still had his smirk plastered on his faced. It's as if his ready to tease the hell out of him. Due to the situation Teddy hold his mouth shut and just stand besides Lisa, observing and contemplating.

Yoongi immediately thought, this dude is up to no good. Teddy on the other hand is taking in every detail of their conversation without saying a word. Yoongi thought it's as if his judging how we would act towards her. Yoongi's thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Lisa started speaking.

"Hi everyone, I know it may come as a shock to all of you, but I am Mario. And also, I'm Lisa from Blackpink. Please call me Lisa when are working together. It is nice to meet all of you from BTS, I do admit I am a fan. I hope that all of you would keep my secret and I'm looking forward working with you." Lisa bowed nervously to BTS and looking at each of them in the eye. Her gaze lingering towards Yoongi and smiled.

She may be nervous but when it comes to her secret she won't show them a single fault that would destroy her career in music. BTS bowed back. Namjoon being the leader step forward and smiled.

"It is finally nice to meet the woman behind Mario. We didn't expect you to be a girl and let alone an idol. Lisa-ssi, we all can't wait to work with you. Also, we are a fan as well, both of Mario and Blackpink. I hope we can establish professional relation and friendship. Scratch all the formality and I would like to treat each other's as friend". He smiled using his signature dimple smile.

For some reason Namjoon felt attached to her, it's as if he considers her as one of his siblings. Namjoon made eye contact with her and their he saw the warmest smile the girl has ever given towards BTS. He knows the reason why Teddy or let alone anyone she is closed with would want to protect her. The kindness in her eyes shined, and it's as if that smile can lighten up your day and make all your worries disappear.

Namjoon looked to see that the boys felt the same affection he felt towards Lisa. However, when he saw Yoongi looking at her. It wasn't just affection showing trough Yoongi's being, but there is more. It's as if he would treasure that very smile from the looks Yoongi was giving Lisa.

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