Prologue: The encounter

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**Three years ago**

"Ahh!" Lisa sighed loudly in frustration, unable to complete the song she was working on in her studio. At just 16 years old, her CEO Yang Hyun Suk had discovered her talent for music, and now, at 19, she was famous and in big trouble. A month prior, Lisa had been tasked with producing a song for her label's famous girl group, 2ne1. The project had been going smoothly, but with only two weeks left, she was struggling to finish the lyrics. As the deadline approached, Lisa felt the stress and frustration building inside of her.

"Of all the times you won't function, you decide to this now! Stupid brain" she said screaming while pointing at her head. Teddy oppa and YG have given her a very hard task and failing could risk the end of her career. With only a week left before she presents the song, the burden became stronger and now she feels constantly stressed. Just as she was about to scream in frustration again, there was a loud knock at the door of her studio. She quickly stood up and walked to the door, relieved to see Teddy, her mentor and friend, standing there."Teddy-oppa" she said sighing in relief. Afraid it would be the CEO checking on her.

"Stop screaming! I could hear you all the way from my office. What's wrong? " Teddy asked, giving her a sympathetic pat on the head. He had taken Lisa under his wing three years prior, when YG showed him her talent, and as the years had passed, he had grown to care for her deeply. Now he treats her as his little sister, and he would do anything to protect her.

"I'm sorry, it's just...I can't seem to find inspiration to finish the song. It's driving me crazy," Lisa explained, rubbing her head in frustration. Showing him how utterly devastated she is. 

"Well, stop that. You're going to hurt yourself. Go outside and get some fresh air, Lali. You've been cooped up in here for weeks," Teddy said, taking her hands away from her head to protect her.

"But" Lisa said in protest.

"No buts. You need to relax. What did I tell you to do when you can't finish a song?" Teddy asked, giving her a stern look. Looking at her intently waiting for her response.

"To relax and analyze the music and lyrics to see if they flow and have meaning," Lisa responded, rolling her eyes, showing her distaste in his advice. 

"Exactly. If something is missing, go out and find inspiration. You still have seven days before the deadline," Teddy said with a warm smile, his heart melting at the sight of her dedication and passion. 

"Fine, fine, I'm going out. But if this doesn't work, it's all on you," Lisa said playfully, grabbing her bomber jacket and running out of the studio. Turning around and sticking her tongue towards teddy.  Not wanting to be scolded by being disrespectful, she ran til he was out of sight.

"Hey! this girl! be careful, and don't get recognizedTeddy called after her, watching as she disappeared from his view. He couldn't help but smile, feeling grateful for the girl. 

Lisa stepped out of the building, trying to avoid drawing attention from her guards. As a famous producer for YG, she had taken precautions to conceal her true identity. For this reason, her CEO had hired employees to protect her in case she was ever discovered. Despite this, Lisa couldn't understand the reasoning behind it, as no one knew that Mario, YG's famous producer, was actually a 19 year old girl. She had created a pseudonym to hide her identity and had given the media no information that could lead back to her. However, the media couldn't be underestimated. Paparazzi and even the Korean newspapers bribed and hired detectives to uncover any valuable information that could reveal Mario's true identity.

News about Mario being a 19-year-old recently leaked, and it has been a trending topic in every news outlet and on social media worldwide. Everyone, including Lisa, is being scrutinized as an employee at YG. As a trainee, she never expected this to happen. It's difficult to keep secrets hidden from the media, but she will try to keep what's precious to her concealed. The news has prompted YG to enforce stricter rules and adopt a "keep all news about YG within YG" mentality.

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